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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
4441 저널기사 The Americas - Canadian politics - British Columbia's Liberal landslide/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2001
4442 저널기사 The Americas - Canadian politics - Quebecthinks continentally/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2001
4443 저널기사 The Americas - Canadian politics - Quebec thinks continentally/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2001
4444 저널기사 The Americas - Caribbean diplomacy - Votes for hire/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2001
4445 저널기사 The Americas - Caribbean diplomacy - Votes for hire/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2001
4446 저널기사 THE AMERICAS - Cautious reform in Uruguay/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2001
4447 저널기사 THE AMERICAS - Cavallo's remedies for Argentina/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2001
4448 저널기사 THE AMERICAS - Cavallo to the rescue in Argentina?/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2001
4449 저널기사 The Americas - Central America - Small, vulnerable--and disunited/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2001
4450 저널기사 THE AMERICAS - Chaos in Brazil's jails/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2001
4451 저널기사 THE AMERICAS - Checking up on Colombia/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2001
4452 저널기사 THE AMERICAS - Chile's badly-treated fruit-pickers/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2001
4453 저널기사 The Americas - Chile's defence policy - Retooling/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2001
4454 저널기사 The Americas - Chile's defence policy - Retooling/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2001
4455 저널기사 The Americas - Chile's economy - A bit too copper-bottomed/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2001
4456 저널기사 The Americas - Chile's economy - A bit too copper-bottomed/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2001
4457 저널기사 THE AMERICAS - Chile's Pinochet row/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2000
4458 저널기사 The Americas - Chile's politics - Count your blessings/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2001
4459 저널기사 The Americas - Chile's politics - Count your blessings/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2001
4460 저널기사 THE AMERICAS - Chile's severance-pay scandal/ 미리보기
Economist Newspaper Ltd 2000
맨앞 이전 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 다음 맨뒤
