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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
201 저널기사 Agricultural Meteorology: evolution and application/ 미리보기
Monteith, J L Elsevier 2000
202 저널기사 Agricultural Research Expenditures in the United States: A Public Goods Perspective 미리보기
Khanna, J. ELSEVIER 1994
203 저널기사 Agricultural supply-led industrialization: A macromodel with sub-Saharan African characteristics 미리보기
Torvik, R. ELSEVIER 1997
204 저널기사 Agricultural system models in field research and technology transfer/ 미리보기
Plant, R. E Elsevier 2003
205 저널기사 Agriculture and world trade liberalisation. Socio-environmental perspectives on the common agricultural policy, Edited by M.R. Redclift, J.N. Lekakis and G.P. Zanias, CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK, 1999, 269 pp. ISBN 0-85199-297-8 미리보기
Andersson, J. O. ELSEVIER 2001
206 연속간행물 Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
Elsevier 1983-
207 저널기사 Agriculture, Trade, and The Environment: The Impact of Liberalization on Sustainable Development 미리보기
Falcon, W. P. ELSEVIER 2001
208 저널기사 Agro-ecological zoning and potential yield of single or double cropping of potato in Argentina/ 미리보기
Caldiz, Daniel O Elsevier 2001
209 저널기사 Agro-export production and peasant land access: Examining the dynamic between adoption and accumulation 미리보기
Barham, B. ELSEVIER 1995
210 저널기사 Agroforestry trajectories among smallholders in the Brazilian Amazon: innovation and resiliency in pioneer and older settled areas 미리보기
Smith, N. J. H. ELSEVIER 1996
211 저널기사 Agrometeorological adaptation strategies to increasing climate variability and climate change/ 미리보기
Salinger, M J Elsevier 2000
212 저널기사 Agrometeorological aspects of agriculture and forestry in the arid zones/ 미리보기
De Pauw, E Elsevier 2000
213 저널기사 Agrometeorological aspects of agriculture in the sub-humid and humid zones of Africa and Asia/ 미리보기
Jagtap, Shrikant S Elsevier 2000
214 저널기사 Agrometeorology and sustainable agriculture/ 미리보기
Sivakumar, M V K Elsevier 2000
215 저널기사 Agrometeorology in the 21st century: workshop summary and recommendations on needs and perspectives/ 미리보기
Stigter, C J Elsevier 2000
216 저널기사 Aid and growth regressions 미리보기
Hansen, H. ELSEVIER 2001
217 저널기사 Air pollutant taxation: an empirical survey 미리보기
Cansier, D. ELSEVIER 1997
218 저널기사 Airport problems and consistent allocation rules 미리보기
Potters, J. ELSEVIER 1999
219 저널기사 Air quality and economic growth: an empirical study 미리보기
Dinda, S. ELSEVIER 2000
220 저널기사 Albedo and vegetation demand-side management options for warm climates 미리보기
Hall, D. C. ELSEVIER 1997
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