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161 저널기사 Agency in health care: getting beyond first principles 미리보기
Mooney, G. ELSEVIER 1993
162 저널기사 Agency in health care with an endogenous budget constraint 미리보기
Clark, D. ELSEVIER 1994
163 저널기사 Agent-based commercial dissemination of electronic information/ 미리보기
Konstantas, Dimitri Elsevier 2000
164 저널기사 Agent-based computational finance: Suggested readings and early research 미리보기
LeBaron, B. ELSEVIER 2000
165 저널기사 Agent-based computational transaction cost economics 미리보기
Klos, T. B. ELSEVIER 2001
166 저널기사 Agents watching agents?: evidence from pension fund ownership and firm value 미리보기
Woidtke, T. ELSEVIER 2002
167 저널기사 Age structure and inflation - a Wicksellian interpretation of the OECD data 미리보기
Lindh, T. ELSEVIER 1998
168 저널기사 Agglomeration and endogenous capital 미리보기
Baldwin, R. E. ELSEVIER 1999
169 저널기사 Agglomeration benefits and location choice: Evidence from Japanese manufacturing investments in the United States 미리보기
Head, K. ELSEVIER 1995
170 저널기사 Agglomeration economies: Are they exaggerated by industrial aggregation? 미리보기
Moomaw, R. L. ELSEVIER 1998
171 저널기사 Agglomeration effects in Europe 미리보기
Ciccone, A. ELSEVIER 2002
172 저널기사 Agglomeration in a linear city with heterogeneous households 미리보기
Wang, P. ELSEVIER 1993
173 저널기사 Aggregable price-taking firms 미리보기
Chambers, R. G. ELSEVIER 1996
174 저널기사 Aggregate consumer expectation indexes as indicators of future consumer expenditures 미리보기
Eppright, D. R. ELSEVIER 1998
175 저널기사 Aggregate Demand Shifts, Income Distribution, and the Linder Hypothesis 미리보기
Francois, J. F. ELSEVIER 1996
176 저널기사 Aggregate diffusion forecasting models in marketing 미리보기
Parker, P. M. ELSEVIER 1994
177 저널기사 Aggregate dynamics of (S,s) inventory management 미리보기
Allen, Donald S Elsevier 1999
178 저널기사 Aggregate estimate of environmental degradation for Zimbabwe: does sustainable national income ensure sustainability? 미리보기
Adger, W. N. ELSEVIER 1994
179 저널기사 Aggregate estimate of environmental degradation for Zimbabwe: does sustainable national income ensure sustainability? 미리보기
Adger, W. N. ELSEVIER 1994
180 저널기사 Aggregate fluctuations, interest rates, and repeated insurance under private information 미리보기
Taub, B. ELSEVIER 1994
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