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21 저널기사 Anaerobic and sequential anaerobic-aerobic treatments of municipal landfill leachate at Low Temperatures 미리보기
Kettunen, R. H Elsevier Applied Science 1996
22 저널기사 Anaerobic codigestion of hog and poultry waste/ 미리보기
Magbanua, Benjamin S Elsevier Applied Science 2001
23 저널기사 Anaerobic composting of crab-picking wastes for byproduct recovery 미리보기
O'Keefe, D. M Elsevier Applied Science 1996
24 저널기사 Anaerobic digestion of total raw olive-oil wastewater in a two-stage pilot-plant (up-flow and fixed-bed bioreactors) 미리보기
Dalis, D Elsevier Applied Science 1996
25 저널기사 Anaerobic treatment of a recalcitrant distillery wastewater by a thermophilic UASB reactor 미리보기
Harada, H Elsevier Applied Science 1996
26 저널기사 Anaerobic treatment of cheese whey with a downflow-upflow hybrid reactor 미리보기
Malaspina, F Elsevier Applied Science 1996
27 저널기사 Anaerobic treatment of high-strength cheese-whey wastewaters in laboratory and pilot UASB-reactors 미리보기
Kalyuzhnyi, S. V Elsevier Applied Science 1997
28 저널기사 Anaerobic Treatment of Saline Wastewaters Under High Sulphide and Ammonia Content 미리보기
Omil, F Elsevier Applied Science 1995
29 저널기사 An economical bioreactor for evaluating biogas potential of particulate biomass/ 미리보기
Wilkie, A. C Elsevier Applied Science 2004
30 저널기사 An examination of the effects of detergents on anaerobic digestion/ 미리보기
Arthur Mensah, K Elsevier Applied Science 2003
31 저널기사 An image method to evaluate bagasse fiber dimensions/ 미리보기
Chiparus, O. I Elsevier Applied Science 2003
32 저널기사 An inexpensive pretreatment of cellulosic materials for growing edible oyster mushrooms 미리보기
Balasubramanya, R. H Elsevier Applied Science 1996
33 저널기사 An investigation into microbial removal of fats, oils and greases 미리보기
Wakelin, N. G Elsevier Applied Science 1997
34 저널기사 An investigation of the use of soybean oil in hydraulic systems 미리보기
Honary, L. A. T Elsevier Applied Science 1996
35 저널기사 Application of biosolids in mineral sands mine rehabilitation: use of stockpiled topsoil decreases trace element uptake by plants/ 미리보기
Rate, A. W Elsevier Applied Science 2004
36 저널기사 Application of composted urban residue enhanced the performance of afforested shrub species in a degraded semiarid land/ 미리보기
Caravaca, F Elsevier Applied Science 2003
37 저널기사 Application of factorial design to the Modelling of organosolv delignification of Miscanthus sinensis (elephant grass) with phenol and dilute acid solutions 미리보기
Vega, A Elsevier Applied Science 1997
38 저널기사 Applications of oils extracted from African star apple (Chrysophyllum africanum), horse eye bean (Mucuna sloanei) and African pear (Dacryodes edulis) seeds 미리보기
Ajiwe, V. I. E Elsevier Applied Science 1997
39 저널기사 Applications of pectinases in the commercial sector: a review/ 미리보기
Kashyap, D R Elsevier Applied Science 2001
40 저널기사 Aspergillus niger absorbs copper and zinc from swine wastewater/ 미리보기
Price, Michael S Elsevier Applied Science 2001
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