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Application of Radial Basis Functions - Partial Least Squares to non-linear pattern recognition problems: diagnosis of process faults
Walczak, B
Elsevier Pub. Co
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Application of slurry sample introduction to a low-power inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer incorporating a mini-torch
Hyun, J. H
Elsevier Pub. Co
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Application of spline wavelet self-convolution in processing capillary electrophoresis overlapped peaks with noise/
Zhang, Yongqing
Elsevier Pub. Co
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Application of stir bar sorptive extraction in combination with column liquid chromatography for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water samples/
Popp, Peter
Elsevier Pub. Co
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Application of stripping voltammetry at a static mercury drop electrode for the determination of aluminium and iron in Portland cement
Abo El-Maali, N
Elsevier Pub. Co
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Application of thallium(I) as an internal standard redox process in voltammetric measurements
Pizeta, I
Elsevier Pub. Co
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Application of the Davidon-Fletcher-Powell algorithm to the resolution of multicomponent mixtures using UV-vis spectrophotometry
Blanco, M
Elsevier Pub. Co
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Application of the Freundlich adsorption isotherm in the characterization of molecularly imprinted polymers/
Umpleby, Robert J
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Application of the Lux-Fluoro test as bioassay for combined genotoxicity and cytotoxicity measurements by means of recombinant Salmonella typhimurium TA1535 cells/
Baumstark-Khan, Christa
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Application of thermodynamics in a specific force field to the adsorption of Al3+ ions on the chelating resins Ostsorb Oxin, Ostsorb Salicyl, Spheron Oxin, and Spheron Salicyl/
Polakovic, J
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Application of two-way decomposition methods in the simultaneous determination of cobalt, nickel and iron by coupling stopped-flow techniques and CCD detection/
Pettas, I. A
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Application of variable-angle synchronous phosphorimetry in a microemulsion medium for the simultaneous determination of three polyaromatic hydrocarbons
Carretero, A. S
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Application of wavelet transform to background correction in inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry/
Ma, X. G
Elsevier Pub. Co
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Applications of maximum likelihood principal component analysis: incomplete data sets and calibration transfer
Andrews, D. T
Elsevier Pub. Co
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Applications of surface analysis in the environmental sciences: dehalogenation of chlorocarbons with zero-valent iron and iron-containing mineral surfaces/
McGuire, M. M
Elsevier Pub. Co
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Approaches to in-line removal of dissolved oxygen in flow systems for process analysis
Chai, X.-S
Elsevier Pub. Co
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Approach to the content of total extractable phenolic compounds from different food samples by comparison of chromatographic and spectrophotometric methods/
Escarpa, A
Elsevier Pub. Co
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Aromatic glycinonitriles and methylamines as pre-column fluorescence derivatization reagents for catecholamines
Nohta, H
Elsevier Pub. Co
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Arsenic fractionation in soils using an improved sequential extraction procedure
Wenzel, Walter W
Elsevier Pub. Co
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Arsenic speciation in biological samples by on-line high performance liquid chromatography - microwave digestion - hydride generation - atomic absorption spectrometry
Lamble, K. J
Elsevier Pub. Co