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101 저널기사 Age Excuses: Conversational Management of Memory Failures in Older Adults 미리보기
Ryan, E. B.; Bieman-Copland, S.; See, S. T. K.; Ellis, C. H.; Anas, A. P. Gerontological Society of America 2002
102 저널기사 Age, Functional Status, and Racial Differences in Plasma D-Dimer Levels in Community-Dwelling Elderly Persons/ 미리보기
Pieper, Carl F Gerontological Society of America 2000
103 저널기사 Age-Group Differences in Saccadic Interference 미리보기
Gottlob, L. R.; Fillmore, M. T.; Abroms, B. D. Gerontological Society of America 2007
104 저널기사 Age Identity, Gender, and Perceptions of Decline: Does Feeling Older Lead to Pessimistic Dispositions About Cognitive Aging? 미리보기
Schafer, M. H.; Shippee, T. P. Gerontological Society of America 2010
105 저널기사 Age Increases the Skeletal Versus Muscular Component of Lower Extremity Stiffness During Stepping Down/ 미리보기
DeVita, Paul Gerontological Society of America 2000
106 저널기사 Age Invariance in Feeling of Knowing During Implicit Interference Effects 미리보기
Eakin, D. K.; Hertzog, C. Gerontological Society of America 2012
107 저널기사 Ageism and Body Esteem: Associations With Psychological Well-Being Among Late Middle-Aged African American and European American Women 미리보기
Sabik, N. J. Gerontological Society of America 2015
108 저널기사 Ageism Comes of Age 미리보기
Palmore, E. Gerontological Society of America 2015
109 저널기사 Ageism Comes of Age Table of Content 미리보기
unknown Gerontological Society of America 2015
110 저널기사 Age, Medical Conditions, and Gender as Interactive Predictors of Cognitive Performance: The Effects of Selected Survival/ 미리보기
Stewart, Susan T Gerontological Society of America 2000
111 저널기사 Age, Physical Functioning, and Affect in Midlife and Older Adulthood 미리보기
Windsor, T. D.; Burns, R. A.; Byles, J. E. Gerontological Society of America 2013
112 저널기사 Age, Psychological Skills, and Golf Performance: A Prospective Investigation 미리보기
Hayslip, B.; Petrie, T. A. Gerontological Society of America 2014
113 저널기사 Age-Related Changes in Binocular Vision: Detection of Noise-Masked Targets in Young and Old Observers 미리보기
114 저널기사 Age-Related Changes in Collagen, Pyridinoline, and Deoxypyridinoline in Normal Human Thoracic Intervertebral Discs/ 미리보기
Tan, C. I Gerontological Society of America 2003
115 저널기사 Age-Related Changes in Protein Oxidation and Proteolysis in Mammalian Cells/ 미리보기
Grune, Tilman Gerontological Society of America 2001
116 저널기사 Age-Related Changes in the Functional Visual Field: Further Evidence for an Inverse Age x Eccentricity Effect 미리보기
Coeckelbergh, T. R. M.; Cornelissen, F. W.; Brouwer, W. H.; Kooijman, A. C. Gerontological Society of America 2004
117 저널기사 Age-Related Declines in Knee Extensor Strength and Physical Performance in Healthy Hispanic and Caucasian Women/ 미리보기
Schiller, Brian C Gerontological Society of America 2000
118 저널기사 Age-Related Decreases in Lymphocyte Protein Kinase C Activity and Translocation Are Reduced by Aerobic Fitness/ 미리보기
Wang, Hoau-Yan Gerontological Society of America 2000
119 저널기사 Age-Related Deterioration of Coordinated Interlimb Behavior/ 미리보기
Serrien, Deborah J Gerontological Society of America 2000
120 저널기사 Age-Related Differences in Arithmetic Problem-Verification Strategies 미리보기
Duverne, S.; Lemaire, P. Gerontological Society of America 2004
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