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161 저널기사 Aging and Temporal Patterns of Inhibition of Return 미리보기
Langley, L. K.; Fuentes, L. J.; Vivas, A. B.; Saville, A. L. Gerontological Society of America 2007
162 저널기사 Aging and the Development of Automaticity in Conjunction Search 미리보기
Scialfa, C. T. Gerontological Society of America 2000
163 저널기사 Aging and the Representation of Spatial Situations in Narrative Understanding 미리보기
Stine-Morrow, E. A. L.; Morrow, D. G.; Leno, R. Gerontological Society of America 2002
164 저널기사 Aging and the Shape of Cognitive Change Before Death: Terminal Decline Or Terminal Drop? 미리보기
MacDonald, S. W.; Hultsch, D. F.; Dixon, R. A. Gerontological Society of America 2011
165 저널기사 Aging and Verbal Memory Span: A Meta-Analysis 미리보기
Bopp, K. L.; Verhaeghen, P. Gerontological Society of America 2005
166 저널기사 Aging and Visual Crowding 미리보기
Scialfa, C. T.; Cordazzo, S.; Bubric, K.; Lyon, J. Gerontological Society of America 2013
167 저널기사 Aging at 30,000 Feet: The Global Reach of Social Gerontology 미리보기
Silverstein, M. Gerontological Society of America 2012
168 저널기사 Aging Cognition Unconfounded by Prior Test Experience 미리보기
Salthouse, T. A. Gerontological Society of America 2016
169 저널기사 Aging, Cognitive Complexity, and the Fundamental Attribution Error 미리보기
Follett, K. J.; Hess, T. M. Gerontological Society of America 2002
170 저널기사 Aging, Culture, and Memory for Categorically Processed Information 미리보기
Yang, L.; Chen, W.; Ng, A. H.; Fu, X. Gerontological Society of America 2013
171 저널기사 Aging, Empathy, and Prosociality 미리보기
Beadle, J. N.; Sheehan, A. H.; Dahlben, B.; Gutchess, A. H. Gerontological Society of America 2015
172 저널기사 Aging in a Cultural Context: Cross-national Differences in Disability and the Moderating Role of Personal Control Among Older Adults in the United States and England 미리보기
Clarke, P.; Smith, J. Gerontological Society of America 2011
173 저널기사 Aging, Inhibition, Working Memory, and Speed 미리보기
174 저널기사 Aging Is Associated With Increased T-Cell Chemokine Expression in C57Bl/6 Mice/ 미리보기
Chen, J Gerontological Society of America 2003
175 저널기사 Aging, Migration, and Mortality: Current Status of Research on the Hispanic Paradox 미리보기
Markides, K. S.; Eschbach, K. Gerontological Society of America 2005
176 저널기사 Aging, Visual Intermittency, and Variability in Isometric Force Output 미리보기
Sosnoff, J. J.; Newell, K. M. Gerontological Society of America 2006
177 저널기사 Agitated Behavior in Elderly Nursing Home Residents With Dementia in Japan 미리보기
Schreiner, A. S. Gerontological Society of America 2000
178 저널기사 Alcohol Consumption and Domain-Specific Cognitive Function in Older Adults: Longitudinal Data From the Johns Hopkins Precursors Study 미리보기
Gross, A. L.; Rebok, G. W.; Ford, D. E.; Chu, A. Y.; Gallo, J. J.; Liang, K. Y.; Meoni, L. A.; Shihab, H. M.; Wang, N. Y.; Klag, M. J. Gerontological Society of America 2011
179 저널기사 All in the Family: The Impact of Caring for Grandchildren on Grandparents' Health 미리보기
Hughes, M. E.; Waite, L. J.; LaPierre, T. A.; Luo, Y. Gerontological Society of America 2007
180 저널기사 Alone at the Table: Food Behavior and the Loss of Commensality in Widowhood 미리보기
Vesnaver, E.; Keller, H. H.; Sutherland, O.; Maitland, S. B.; Locher, J. L. Gerontological Society of America 2016
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