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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Annihilation in low-energy positron-helium scattering 미리보기
Van Reeth, P IOP Pub 1980
62 저널기사 Anomalous relaxation of populations in hyperfine Zeeman sublevels of Cs atoms induced by collisional modification of the Cs hyperfine interaction 미리보기
Luo, J IOP Pub 1980
63 저널기사 AntiHermitian operators in atomic shell theory 미리보기
Judd, B. R IOP Pub 1980
64 저널기사 Application of a laser-produced plasma to the study of 5s5d-5p^2 configuration interaction in In II 미리보기
Martinez, B IOP Pub 1980
65 저널기사 Application of the minimax principle to the Dirac-Coulomb problem 미리보기
Kolakowska, A IOP Pub 1980
66 저널기사 Aspects of the degenerate two-photon laser 미리보기
Bay, S IOP Pub 1980
67 저널기사 Associative ionization in collisions between excited Na atoms in the 3 ^2P~3~/~2 and the 3 ^2P~1~/~2 states 미리보기
Blange, J. J IOP Pub 1980
68 저널기사 Asymptotically exact Coulomb spheroidal wavefunctions 미리보기
Kereselidze, T. M IOP Pub 1980
69 저널기사 Asymptotic scaling properties of atom multielectron ionization cross sections in atom-fast highly charged ion collisions 미리보기
Voitkiv, A. B IOP Pub 1980
70 저널기사 ATI as a source for multiply charged ion production in a laser field 미리보기
Kuchiev, M IOP Pub 1980
71 저널기사 Atomic orientation effects in light scattering due to dissipative processes 미리보기
Agre, M. Y IOP Pub 1980
72 저널기사 Atom optics with magnetic surfaces: II. Microscopic analysis of the 'floppy disk' mirror 미리보기
Hughes, I. G IOP Pub 1980
73 저널기사 Atom optics with magnetic surfaces: I. Storage of cold atoms in a curved'floppy disk' 미리보기
Hughes, I. G IOP Pub 1980
74 저널기사 Atoms in crossed fields: a new experimental approach 미리보기
Connerade, J.-P IOP Pub 1980
75 저널기사 Atoms in crossed fields: calculations for barium and hydrogen 미리보기
Rao, J IOP Pub 1980
76 저널기사 Auger decay of core-excited higher Rydberg states of carbon monoxide 미리보기
Sundin, S IOP Pub 1980
77 저널기사 Auger decay of resonantly excited Kr 3d^-^1~5~/~2~,~3~/~2nP (n = 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9) states 미리보기
Jauhiainen, J IOP Pub 1980
78 저널기사 Auger-photoelectron coincidence spectra of gaseous N~2: decay of selected ionized states 미리보기
Neeb, M IOP Pub 1980
79 저널기사 Auger zones and the existence of two groups of levels for complex configurations 미리보기
Jonauskas, V IOP Pub 1980
80 저널기사 Autoionization in electron-helium collisions: an (e, 2e) investigation 미리보기
Samardzic, O IOP Pub 1980
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