1 |
Aerobic power and muscle strength among young and elderly workers with and without physically demanding work tasks/
Schibye, B
IPC Science and Technology Press [etc.]
2 |
Alarm mistrust in automobiles: how collision alarm reliability affects driving/
Bliss, J. P
IPC Science and Technology Press [etc.]
3 |
An evaluation of physiological demands and comfort between the use of conventional and lightweight self-contained breathing apparatus/
Hooper, A J
IPC Science and Technology Press [etc.]
4 |
An investigation of how acute muscle pain modulates performance during computer work with digitizer and puck/
Birch, Laila
IPC Science and Technology Press [etc.]
5 |
An overview of a nuclear reprocessing plant Human Factors programme/
Kirwan, B
IPC Science and Technology Press [etc.]
6 |
Anthropometrical data and coefficients of regression related to gender and race/
Shan, G
IPC Science and Technology Press [etc.]
7 |
Applied ergonomics
중앙도서관 대출불가(별치)
Ergonomics Society (Great Britain) Ergonomics Research Society
IPC Science and Technology Press [etc.].
8 |
Aspects to improve cabin comfort of wheel loaders and excavators according to operators/
Kuijt-Evers, L. F
IPC Science and Technology Press [etc.]
9 |
Assessment of work postures and movements using a video-based observation method and direct technical measurements/
Juul-Kristensen, B
IPC Science and Technology Press [etc.]