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121 저널기사 ANESTHETIC PHARMACOLOGY - (International Society for Anaesthetic Pharmacology) - The Use of Remifentanil to Facilitate the Insertion of the Laryngeal Mask Airway - IMPLICATIONS: Small-dose remifentanil can provide excellent conditions for laryngeal mask airway insertion with minimal hemodynamic disturbances./ 미리보기
Lee, Monica P L International Anesthesia Research Society] 2001
122 저널기사 ANESTHETIC PHARMACOLOGY - (INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR ANAESTHETIC PHARMACOLOGY) - Thiopental Inhibits the Human a7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor/ 미리보기
International Anesthesia Research Society] 2001
123 저널기사 ANESTHETIC PHARMACOLOGY (International Society for Anaesthetic Pharmacology) - Xenon Does Not Affect Human Platelet Function In Vitro - IMPLICATIONS: Halothane and sevoflurane inhibit platelet aggregation. Xenon did not affect platelet glycoprotein expression or in vitro bleeding time. Because platelet glycoprotein expression is strongly related to platelet adhesion to sites of vascular injury and platelet aggregation, we suggest that xenon does not interfere with platelet function in vitro./ 미리보기
Rossi, Lothar W de International Anesthesia Research Society] 2001
124 저널기사 ANESTHETIC PHARMACOLOGY - (International Society for Anaesthetic Pharmacology) - Xenon Inhibits but N2O Enhances Ketamine-Induced c-Fos Expression in the Rat Posterior Cingulate and Retrosplenial Cortices - IMPLICATIONS: Xenon may suppress adverse neuronal effects of ketamine. Conversely, combined use of N2O and ketamine may increase the risk of neuronal adverse effects, such as psychotomimetic effects./ 미리보기
Nagata, Atsushi International Anesthesia Research Society] 2001
125 저널기사 ANESTHETIC PHARMACOLOGY . (International Society for Anesthetic Pharmacology) - A Comparison of Patient-Controlled Sedation Using Either Remifentanil or Remifentanil-Propofol for Shock Wave Lithotripsy/ 미리보기
Joo, Hwan S International Anesthesia Research Society] 2001
126 저널기사 ANESTHETIC PHARMACOLOGY . (International Society for Anesthetic Pharmacology) - BRIEF REPORT - Anaphylactoid Reactions After Cisatracurium Administration in Six Patients/ 미리보기
Krombach, Jens International Anesthesia Research Society] 2001
127 저널기사 ANESTHETIC PHARMACOLOGY . (International Society for Anesthetic Pharmacology) - Buspirone and Meperidine Synergistically Reduce the Shivering Threshold/ 미리보기
Mokhtarani, Masoud International Anesthesia Research Society] 2001
128 저널기사 ANESTHETIC PHARMACOLOGY . (International Society for Anesthetic Pharmacology) - CASE REPORT - A Case of Tracheal injury After Emergent Endotracheal Intubation: A Review of the Literature and Causalities/ 미리보기
Chen, Elliott H International Anesthesia Research Society] 2001
129 저널기사 ANESTHETIC PHARMACOLOGY . (International Society for Anesthetic Pharmacology) - CASE REPORT - A Delayed Cardiopulmonary Reaction to an Intravenous Immunosuppressant Thymoglobulin After Pancreas Transplant/ 미리보기
Loushin, Michael K International Anesthesia Research Society] 2001
130 저널기사 ANESTHETIC PHARMACOLOGY . (International Society for Anesthetic Pharmacology) - CASE REPORT - Subarachnoid Block for a Patient with Progressive Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy/ 미리보기
Schabel, Joy E International Anesthesia Research Society] 2001
131 저널기사 ANESTHETIC PHARMACOLOGY . (International Society for Anesthetic Pharmacology) - CRITICAL CARE AND TRAUMA - The Effects of Different Mouth-to-Mouth Ventilation Tidal Volumes on Gas Exchange During Simulated Rescue Breathing/ 미리보기
Stallinger, Angelika International Anesthesia Research Society] 2001
132 저널기사 ANESTHETIC PHARMACOLOGY . (International Society for Anesthetic Pharmacology) - ECONOMICS AND HEALTH SYSTEMS RESEARCH - The Impact of Business Cards on Physician Recognition After General Anesthesia/ 미리보기
Jeske, Hans-Christian International Anesthesia Research Society] 2001
133 저널기사 ANESTHETIC PHARMACOLOGY . (International Society for Anesthetic Pharmacology) - Local Anesthetic Actions on Thromboxane-Induced Platelet Aggregation/ 미리보기
Lo, Bernard International Anesthesia Research Society] 2001
134 저널기사 ANESTHETIC PHARMACOLOGY . (International Society for Anesthetic Pharmacology) - Luciferase as a Model for the Site of Inhaled Anesthetic Action/ 미리보기
Zhang, Yi International Anesthesia Research Society] 2001
135 저널기사 ANESTHETIC PHARMACOLOGY . (International Society for Anesthetic Pharmacology) - NEUROSURGICAL ANESTHESIA - Oxygen and Glucose Deprivation-Induced Neuronal Apoptosis is Attenuated by Halothane and Isoflurane/ 미리보기
Wise-Faberowski, Lisa International Anesthesia Research Society] 2001
136 저널기사 ANESTHETIC PHARMACOLOGY . (International Society for Anesthetic Pharmacology) - NEUROSURGICAL ANESTHESIA - Scalp Nerve Blocks Decrease the Severity of Pain After Craniotomy/ 미리보기
Nguyen, Anh International Anesthesia Research Society] 2001
137 저널기사 ANESTHETIC PHARMACOLOGY . (International Society for Anesthetic Pharmacology) - NEUROSURGICAL ANESTHESIA - Voluntary Hyperventilation Before a Rapid-Sequence Induction of Anesthesia Does Not Decrease Postintubation Paco2/ 미리보기
Choini�re, Andr� International Anesthesia Research Society] 2001
138 저널기사 ANESTHETIC PHARMACOLOGY . (International Society for Anesthetic Pharmacology) - OBSTETRIC ANESTHESIA - A Comparison of Tramadol, Amitriptyline, and Meperidine for Postepidural Anesthetic Shivering in Parturients/ 미리보기
Tsai, Yu-Chuan International Anesthesia Research Society] 2001
139 저널기사 ANESTHETIC PHARMACOLOGY . (International Society for Anesthetic Pharmacology) - OBSTETRIC ANESTHESIA - An Analysis of Excitatory Amino Acids, Nitric Oxide, and Prostaglandin E2 in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of Pregnant Women: The Effect on Labor Pain/ 미리보기
Hsu, Ming-Man International Anesthesia Research Society] 2001
140 저널기사 ANESTHETIC PHARMACOLOGY . (International Society for Anesthetic Pharmacology) - PAIN MEDICINE - The Interaction Between Intrathecal Neostigmine and GABA Receptor Agonists in Rats with Nerve Ligation Injury/ 미리보기
Hwang, Jai-Hyun International Anesthesia Research Society] 2001
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