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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Air Humidity, Transpiration and Blossom-End Rot in Soilless Sweet Pepper Culture 미리보기
Mart�ez, P F International Society for Horticultural Science 2001
22 저널기사 Air Infiltration Rate of Almeria 'parral -type' Greenhouses/ 미리보기
L�ez, J C International Society for Horticultural Science 2001
23 저널기사 Alphabetical list of authors/ 미리보기
International Society for Horticultural Science 2000
24 저널기사 Alphabetical list of authors/ 미리보기
International Society for Horticultural Science 2000
25 저널기사 Alphabetical list of authors/ 미리보기
International Society for Horticultural Science 2000
26 저널기사 Alphabetical List of Authors/ 미리보기
International Society for Horticultural Science 2000
27 저널기사 Alphabetical List of Authors/ 미리보기
International Society for Horticultural Science 2000
28 저널기사 Alphabetical list of authors/ 미리보기
International Society for Horticultural Science 2000
29 저널기사 Alphabetical List of Authors/ 미리보기
International Society for Horticultural Science 2000
30 저널기사 Alphabetical List of Authors/ 미리보기
International Society for Horticultural Science 2001
31 저널기사 Alphabetical List of Authors/ 미리보기
International Society for Horticultural Science 2001
32 저널기사 Alphabetical list of authors/ 미리보기
International Society for Horticultural Science 2000
33 저널기사 Alphabetical list of authors/ 미리보기
International Society for Horticultural Science 2000
34 저널기사 Alphabetical list of authors/ 미리보기
International Society for Horticultural Science 2000
35 저널기사 Alphabetical list of authors/ 미리보기
International Society for Horticultural Science 2000
36 저널기사 Alphabetical list of authors/ 미리보기
International Society for Horticultural Science 2000
37 저널기사 Alphabetical List of Authors/ 미리보기
International Society for Horticultural Science 2001
38 저널기사 Alphabetical List of Authors/ 미리보기
International Society for Horticultural Science 2001
39 저널기사 Alphabetical List of Authors/ 미리보기
International Society for Horticultural Science 2001
40 저널기사 Alphabetical List of Authors/ 미리보기
International Society for Horticultural Science 2001
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