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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Access to Justice for Victims of Corporate-Related Human Rights Abuse: An Echternach-Procession? 미리보기
Jägers, Nicola Intersentia 2015
2 저널기사 Access to justice in the European Convention on Human Rights system 미리보기
Gerards, Janneke H.; Glas, Lize R. Intersentia 2017
3 저널기사 Accountability for the Human Rights Implications of Natural Disasters: A Proposal for Systemic International Oversight 미리보기
Cubie, Dug; Hesselman, Marlies Intersentia 2015
4 저널기사 Advancing the Rights of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples: Getting UN Attention via the Universal Periodic Review 미리보기
Higgins, N. Intersentia 2014
5 저널기사 An Empirical Look at the Amicus Curiae Practice of Human Rights NGOs before the European Court of Human Rights 미리보기
Van Den Eynde, L. Intersentia 2013
6 저널기사 Are the Kids All Right? A Child-Centred Approach to Assisted Reproductive Technologies 미리보기
Sabatello, M. Intersentia 2013
7 저널기사 `Are We There Yet?' The Emergence of Statelessness on the International Human Rights Agenda 미리보기
van Waas, L. Intersentia 2014
8 단행본 An EU-wide letter of rights:towards best practice 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Taru Spronken ; [with the assistance of: Liesbeth Baetens, Anna Berlee] Intersentia 2010 URL
9 저널기사 The access to secret evidence in expulsion proceedings under the European Convention on Human Rights 미리보기
Wojnowska-Radzińska, Julia Intersentia 2017
10 저널기사 The American Convention and the Protocol of San Salvador: Two Intertwined Treaties. Non-Enforceability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Inter-American System 미리보기
Ruiz-Chiriboga, O.R. Intersentia 2013
