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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 연속간행물 Advances in the economic analysis of participatory and labor-managed firms 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출가능 열기
JAI Press 1985-
62 저널기사 Aging in Asia: Challenges for Fiscal Policy 미리보기
Heller, P. S. JAI Press 1997
63 저널기사 Agricultural productivity in China 미리보기
Xu, Yingfeng JAI Press 1999
64 저널기사 Allocative efficiency and discrimination in the labor-managed firm 미리보기
Chillemi, Ottorino JAI Press 1995
65 저널기사 Altruism and cooperative survival 미리보기
Dom, Yehuda JAI Press 1995
66 저널기사 An Accounting Analysis of the Risk-Return Relationship in Bull and Bear Markets 미리보기
Kim, M. K. JAI PRESS 1998
67 저널기사 An alternative method of measuring economic efficiency: The case of grain production in China 미리보기
Kalirajan, K.P JAI Press 1996
68 저널기사 (An)economic analysis of trucker's incentive to overload as affected by the judicial system 미리보기
Jessup, Eric L. JAI Press 1996
69 저널기사 An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Federal Budget Deficits on the Long-Term Nominal Interest Rate Yields, 1973.2 -1995.4, Using Alternative Expected Inflation Measures 미리보기
Cebula, R. J. JAI PRESS 1998
70 저널기사 An empirical analysis of the impact of stock index futures trading on securities dealers' inventory risk in the NASDAQ market 미리보기
Sarkar, S. K.; Tripathy, N. JAI PRESS 2002
71 저널기사 An Empirical Note on Demand for Speculation and Futures Risk Premium: A Kalman Filter Application 미리보기
Kocagil, A. E. JAI PRESS 1997
72 저널기사 An Evaluation of the Saving, Investment, and Current Account Balances of Five ASEAN Economics 미리보기
Guest, R.;McDonald, I. JAI Press 1999
73 저널기사 An events-study approach to detecting income-smoothing activities: Some evidence from 미리보기
Karmon, David J JAI Press 1997
74 연속간행물 Annals of child development 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출가능 열기
JAI Press 1984-
75 저널기사 (An)overlapping generations model of investment in labor-managed firms 미리보기
onte, Michael A.;Ye, Meng-Hua JAI Press 1995
76 저널기사 Antitrust in Post-privatization Latin America: An Analysis of the Mexican Airlines Industry 미리보기
Hanson, G. H. JAI Press 1993
77 저널기사 An unconventional approach to intellectual property protection: the case of an Australian firm transferring shipbuilding technologies to China 미리보기
McGaughey, S. L. JAI Press 2000
78 연속간행물 Applications of management science 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
Schultz, Randall L Ginzberg, Michael J Jai Press 1981-
79 저널기사 Asia's Contagious Financial Crisis and Its Impact on Korea 미리보기
Youn-Suk, K.; Hyeng Keun Koo JAI Press 1997
80 저널기사 Audit fee premiums of big eight firms: Evidence from the 미리보기
Che-Ahmad, Ayoib JAI Press 1996
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