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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Abnormal Profits and Relative Strength in Mutual Fund Returns 미리보기
Volkman, D. A. JAI PRESS 1996
2 저널기사 Accounting reporting implications of balance sheet 미리보기
Helleloid, Richard T JAI Press 1996
3 저널기사 Accounting standard-setting in Canada, 1864-1992: A 미리보기
Baylin, Greg JAI Press 1996
4 연속간행물 Advances in analytical geochemistry 미리보기
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JAI Press 1993-
5 연속간행물 Advances in applied business strategy 미리보기
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Lamb, Robert JAI Press 1984-
6 연속간행물 Advances in applied microeconomics 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
Baye, Michael R Smith, V. Kerry Witte, Ann Dryden JAI Press 1981-
7 연속간행물 Advances in artificial intelligence in economics, finance, and management 미리보기
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editors John D. Johnson, Andrew B. Whinston JAI Press 1994-
8 연속간행물 Advances in atomic spectroscopy 미리보기
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Sneddon, Joseph JAI Press 1992-
9 연속간행물 Advances in biophysical chemistry 미리보기
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editor, C. Allen Bush JAI Press 1990-
10 연속간행물 Advances in biosensors:a research annual 미리보기
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Anthony P. F. Turner JAI Press 1991
11 연속간행물 Advances in business marketing 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
JAI Press 1986-1990
12 연속간행물 Advances in business marketing and purchasing 미리보기
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JAI Press 1992-
13 연속간행물 Advances in carbene chemistry 미리보기
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JAI Press 1994-
14 연속간행물 Advances in carbocation chemistry:a research annual 미리보기
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JAI Press 1989-
15 연속간행물 Advances in computer-aided engineering design 미리보기
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Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Alberto JAI Press 1985
16 연속간행물 Advances in computing research 미리보기
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Preparata, Franco P JAI Press 1983-
17 연속간행물 Advances in dendritic macromolecules 미리보기
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Newkome, George R JAI Press 1994-
18 연속간행물 Advances in descriptive psychology:official annual publication of the Society for Descriptive Psychology 미리보기
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Davis, Keith E Mitchell, Thomas Bergner, Raymond Mitchell, Thomas O Jai Press 1981-
19 연속간행물 Advances in developmental biology 미리보기
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JAI Press 1992-
20 연속간행물 Advances in developmental policy studies 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
Nagel, Stuart S Jai Press 1996-
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