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61 저널기사 Asian Economic Integration 미리보기
Park, Jehoon M.E. Sharpe 2018
62 저널기사 Asia's Middle-Income Challenge: An Overview 미리보기
Estrada, Gemma; Han, Xuehui; Park, Donghyun; Tian, Shu M.E. Sharpe 2018
63 저널기사 Assertive Environmental Advertising and Reactance: Differences Between South Koreans and Americans 미리보기
Kim, Yeonshin; Baek, Tae Hyun; Yoon, Sukki; Oh, Sangdo; Choi, Yung Kyun M.E. Sharpe 2017
64 저널기사 Association Ambiguity in Brand Extension 미리보기
Kim, J.; Yoon, H.J. M.E. Sharpe 2013
65 저널기사 Asymmetric Behavior of the Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Manufacturing Prices in Turkey 미리보기
Doğan, Bahar Şen M.E. Sharpe 2013
66 저널기사 Asymmetric Cointegration, Nonlinear ARDL, and the J-Curve: A Bilateral Analysis of China and Its 21 Trading Partners 미리보기
Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen; Bose, Niloy; Zhang, Yun M.E. Sharpe 2018
67 저널기사 Asymmetric Cointegration, Nonlinear ARDL, and the J-Curve: A Bilateral Analysis of China and Its 21 Trading Partners 미리보기
Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen; Bose, Niloy; Zhang, Yun M.E. Sharpe 2018
68 저널기사 Asymmetric Effects of Exchange Rate Changes on Thailand-China Commodity Trade: Evidence From 45 Industries 미리보기
Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen; Kanitpong, Tatchawan M.E. Sharpe 2019
69 저널기사 Asymmetric Impact of Oil Price Shock on Stock Market in China: A Combination Analysis Based on SVAR Model and NARDL Model 미리보기
Hu, Chunyan; Liu, Xinheng; Pan, Bin; Chen, Bin; Xia, Xiaohua M.E. Sharpe 2018
70 저널기사 Asymmetry Effects of Exchange Rate Changes on Domestic Production in Emerging Countries 미리보기
Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen; Mohammadian, Amirhossein M.E. Sharpe 2018
71 저널기사 Attention to Banner Ads and Their Effectiveness: An Eye-Tracking Approach 미리보기
Lee, J.; Ahn, J.-H. ME Sharpe 2012
72 저널기사 Attracting Comments: Digital Engagement Metrics on Facebook and Financial Performance 미리보기
Yoon, Gunwoo; Li, Cong; Ji, Yi (Grace); North, Michael; Hong, Cheng; Liu, Jiangmeng M.E. Sharpe 2018
73 저널기사 Attributes Versus Benefits: The Role of Construal Levels and Appeal Type on the Persuasiveness of Marketing Messages 미리보기
Hernandez, José Mauro da Costa; Wright, Scott A.; Ferminiano Rodrigues, Filipe M.E. Sharpe 2015
74 저널기사 Audio and Visual Distractions and Implicit Brand Memory: A Study of Video Game Players 미리보기
Choi, Y.K.; Lee, S.m.; Li, H. M.E. Sharpe 2013
75 저널기사 Auditor Quality, IFRS Adoption, and Stock Price Crash Risk: Korean Evidence 미리보기
Lim, Hyunil; Kang, Sang Koo; Kim, Haksoon M.E. Sharpe 2016
76 저널기사 Audit Pricing of Shared Leadership 미리보기
Choi, Youn-Sik; Hyeon, Jiwon; Jung, Taejin; Lee, Woo-Jong M.E. Sharpe 2018
77 저널기사 Author Index to The Chinese Economy, Vol. 46 미리보기
unknown M.E. Sharpe 2013
78 저널기사 Author Index to The Chinese Economy, Vol. 47 미리보기
unknown M.E. Sharpe 2014
79 저널기사 Author Index to The Chinese Economy, Volume 45 (January/February-November 미리보기
unknown M.E. Sharpe 2012
80 저널기사 "Average-Sized" Models Do Sell, But What About in East Asia? A Cross-Cultural Investigation of U.S. and Singaporean Women 미리보기
Lou, Chen; Tse, Caleb H.; Lwin, May O. M.E. Sharpe 2019
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