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101 저널기사 Are collimated low-dose digital radiographs valid for performing Delaire's architectural analysis?/ 미리보기
Stamm, T Munksgaard 2003
102 저널기사 Ascorbate synthesis and ascorbate peroxidase activity during the early stage of wheat germination 미리보기
De Gara, L Munksgaard 1997
103 저널기사 Ascorbate transport from the apoplast to the symplast in intact leaves/ 미리보기
Kollist, Hannes Munksgaard 2001
104 저널기사 Asparagine catabolism in bryophytes: Purification and characterization of two L-asparaginase isoforms from Sphagnum fallax 미리보기
Heeschen, V Munksgaard 1996
105 저널기사 Asparaginyl endopeptidase during maturation and germination of durum wheat 미리보기
Bottari, A Munksgaard 1996
106 저널기사 Aspergillosis of the temporomandibular joint following irradiation of the parotid region: A case report/ 미리보기
Lo, W. L Munksgaard 2003
107 저널기사 Association between minor physical anomalies and lateral ventricular enlargement in childhood and adolescent onset schizophrenia/ 미리보기
Hata, K Munksgaard 2003
108 저널기사 Association of meteorological factors with suicide/ 미리보기
Deisenhammer, E. A Munksgaard 2004
109 저널기사 Attachment of autogenous tendon graft to cortical bone is better than to cancellous bone: A mechanical and histological study of MCL reconstruction in rabbits/ 미리보기
Soda, Y Munksgaard 1900
110 저널기사 Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in a life perspective/ 미리보기
Steinhausen, H.-C Munksgaard 2003
111 저널기사 Attention profile in schizophrenia compared with depression: differential effects of processing speed, selective attention and vigilance/ 미리보기
Egeland, J Munksgaard 2003
112 저널기사 Attitudes toward psychiatry among students entering medical school/ 미리보기
Malhi, G. S Munksgaard 2003
113 저널기사 Author Index /// 미리보기
Munksgaard 2001
114 저널기사 Autologous concentrated platelet-rich plasma (cPRP) for local application in bone regeneration/ 미리보기
Dugrillon, A Munksgaard 2002
115 저널기사 Auxin-conjugate hydrolysis in Chinese cabbage: Characterization of an amidohydrolase and its role during infection with clubroot disease 미리보기
Ludwig-Mueller, J Munksgaard 1996
116 저널기사 Auxin induces exocytosis of acid phosphatase in coleoptiles from Zea mays 미리보기
Pfeiffer, W Munksgaard 1996
117 저널기사 Auxin: Lessons from a mutant weed 미리보기
Leyser, O Munksgaard 1997
118 저널기사 Auxin metabolism 미리보기
Normanly, J Munksgaard 1997
119 저널기사 Auxin perception and signal transduction 미리보기
Macdonald, H Munksgaard 1997
120 저널기사 Availability of assimilates and formation of aroma compounds in apples as affected by the fruit/leaf ratio 미리보기
Poll, L Munksgaard 1996
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