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181 저널기사 Absorption and resonance emission spectra of SO2(X@61A1/C@61B2) calculated from ab initio potential energy and transition dipole moment surfaces/ 미리보기
Xie, Daiqian North Holland 2000
182 저널기사 Absorption and resonance Raman study of the pyromellitic diahydride anion via density functional theory/ 미리보기
Andruniow, T North Holland 2000
183 저널기사 Absorption cross sections and products of photodissociation of xenon tetroxide 미리보기
Aleinikov, N. N. Vasiliev, G. K. Kashtanov, S. A. Makarov, E. F. North Holland 1997
184 저널기사 Absorption cross-sections for some atmospherically important molecules at the H atom Lyman-a wavelength (121.567 nm)/ 미리보기
Vatsa, R K North Holland 2001
185 저널기사 Absorption edge in liquid iodine under pressure 미리보기
Buontempo, U North-Holland 1980
186 저널기사 Absorption in multiple scattering systems of coated spheres: design applications 미리보기
Stout, B North-Holland 2003
187 저널기사 Absorption in multiple scattering systems of coated spheres: design applications 미리보기
Stout, B North-Holland 1900
188 저널기사 Absorption layers for supermirror polarizers/ 미리보기
Wehrli, S North-Holland 2000
189 저널기사 Absorption lineshape of J-aggregates of thiacarbocyanine dyes: experiment and numerical study 미리보기
Basko, D. M. Argyrakis, P. Drobizhev, M. A. Lobanov, A. N. North Holland 1997
190 저널기사 Absorption of in-plane polarized light in quasi-2D systems enabled by strong potential fluctuations/ 미리보기
Steen, C North-Holland 2000
191 저널기사 Absorption saturation of near-infrared intersubband transition in lattice-matched InGaAs/AlAsSb quantum wells/ 미리보기
Neogi, A North-Holland 2000
192 저널기사 Absorption spectral studies of rare earth ions (Pr3+, Nd3+, Sm3+, Dy3+, Ho3+ and Er3+) doped in NASICON type phosphate glass, Na4AlZnP3O12/ 미리보기
Vijaya Prakash, G North-Holland 2000
193 저널기사 Absorption spectroscopy of C~6~0 molecules isolated in helium droplets 미리보기
Quaas, N. Federmann, F. Hoffmann, K. Close, J. D. North Holland 1997
194 저널기사 Absorption spectrum of intense chirped pulse by molecules in solution and the time evolution of vibrationally non-equilibrium populations/ 미리보기
Fainberg, B D North Holland 2000
195 저널기사 A-B transition of superfluid 3He in aerogel under magnetic field 미리보기
Yamamoto, M North-Holland 2003
196 저널기사 AC anodization of aluminum, electrodeposition of nickel and optical property examination/ 미리보기
Li, Lingchuan North-Holland 2000
197 저널기사 Accounting and economic rates of return: Additional Australian evidence 미리보기
Kelly, Gary North Holland 1996
198 저널기사 Accrual response to mandated accounting principles: The case of SFAS nos. 2 and 34 미리보기
Soo, Billy S North Holland 1999
199 저널기사 Accumulated background variation among H2 mutant congenic strains: elimination through PCR-based genotyping of F2 segregants/ 미리보기
Carroll, Lara S North-Holland 2001
200 저널기사 Accuracy of quantized single-electron current in a one-dimensional channel 미리보기
Janssen, T J B M North-Holland 2000
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