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201 저널기사 An empirical model for predicting urban roadside nitrogen dioxide concentrations in the UK/ 미리보기
Stedman, John R Pergamon 2001
202 저널기사 An empirical study on the drivers of management control systems' design in new product development 미리보기
Davila, T. PERGAMON 2000
203 저널기사 An enantiomerically pure bilirubin. Absolute configuration of (aR,a'R)-dimethylmesobilirubin-XIIIa/ 미리보기
Boiadjiev, Stefan E Pergamon 2001
204 저널기사 An enantioselective synthesis of (R)-4-piperidinylglycine/ 미리보기
Shieh, Wen-Chung Pergamon 2001
205 저널기사 An ensemble air-quality forecast over western Europe during an ozone episode/ 미리보기
Delle Monache, L Pergamon 2003
206 저널기사 An enzyme-triggered enantio-convergent cascade-reaction/ 미리보기
Mayer, Sandra F Pergamon 2001
207 저널기사 An estimate of the contribution of outdoor concrete yards used by livestock to the UK inventories of ammonia, nitrous oxide and methane/ 미리보기
Webb, J Pergamon 2001
208 저널기사 An Estimate of the Potential Significance of Heterogeneous Loss to Aerosols as an Additional Sink for Hydroperoxy Radicals in the Troposphere 미리보기
Saylor, R. D Pergamon 1997
209 저널기사 An Evaluation of Ecotourism in Amazonas, Brazil 미리보기
Wallace, G. N. PERGAMON 1996
210 저널기사 An evaluation of indices that describe the impact of ozone on the yield of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 미리보기
Finnan, J. M Pergamon 1997
211 저널기사 An evaluation of public health impact of ambient air pollution under various energy scenarios in Shanghai, China/ 미리보기
Kan, H Pergamon 2004
212 저널기사 An evaluation of standard retrieval algorithms and a binary neural approach/ 미리보기
Hodge, Victoria J Pergamon 2001
213 저널기사 An evaluation of surface asperity profile changes in truncation processes using optical interferometric microscope/ 미리보기
Sasajima, K Pergamon 2001
214 저널기사 An event history model of student departure 미리보기
DesJardins, S.L. PERGAMON 1999
215 저널기사 "A new approach to the characterization of long-term changes in total atmospheric ozone: determination and application of frequency distributions": Discussion 미리보기
Flynn, L. F Pergamon 1997
216 저널기사 An examination of African Americans' access to public accounting mentors: perceived barriers and intentions to leave 미리보기
Viator, R. E. PERGAMON 2001
217 저널기사 An examination of existing shoreline fumigation models and formulation of an improved model 미리보기
Luhar, A. K Pergamon 1996
218 저널기사 An examination of gender stereotyping as an explanation for vertical job segregation in public accounting 미리보기
Hull, R. P. PERGAMON 1997
219 저널기사 An examination of golf vacationers' novelty 미리보기
Petrick, J. F. PERGAMON 2002
220 저널기사 An examination of the descriptive validity of the belief-adjustment model and alternative attitudes to evidence in auditing 미리보기
Bamber, E. M. PERGAMON 1997
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