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321 저널기사 Assessing the impact of SSRI antidepressants on popular notions of women's depressive illness/ 미리보기
Metzl, J. M Pergamon 2004
322 저널기사 Assessing the impact of the new Athens airport to urban air quality withcontemporary air pollution models 미리보기
Moussiopoulos, N Pergamon 1997
323 저널기사 Assessing the meteorological conditions of a deep Italian Alpine valley system by means of a measuring campaign and simulations with two models during a summer smog episode/ 미리보기
Dosio, A Pergamon 2001
324 저널기사 Assessing the organizational fit of a just-in-time manufacturing system: testing selection, interaction and systems models of contingency theory 미리보기
Selto, F. H. PERGAMON 1995
325 저널기사 Assessing the quality of life in phase I and II anti-cancer drug trials: interviews versus questionnaires/ 미리보기
Cox, K Pergamon 2004
326 저널기사 Assessing the quality of life of patients in phases I and II anti-cancer drug trials: Interviews versus questionnaires by Cox K/ 미리보기
McKenna, S. P Pergamon 2004
327 저널기사 Assessing the uncertainty associated with national greenhouse gas emission inventories: - a case study for Austria/ 미리보기
Winiwarter, Wilfried Pergamon 2001
328 저널기사 Assessment of airborne particulate levels in Spain in relation to the new EU-directive/ 미리보기
Art·ano, Bego� Pergamon 2001
329 저널기사 Assessment of emissions data for the Toronto region using aircraft-based measurements and an air quality model/ 미리보기
Plummer, D A Pergamon 2001
330 저널기사 Assessment of exposure to traffic related air pollution of children attending schools near motorways/ 미리보기
Janssen, Nicole A H Pergamon 2001
331 저널기사 Assessment of interannual ozone variation in urban areas from a climatological perspective 미리보기
Cox, W. M Pergamon 1996
332 저널기사 Assessment of metal concentrations in atmospheric particles from Burnaby Lake, British Columbia, Canada/ 미리보기
Brewer, R Pergamon 2001
333 저널기사 Assessment of reducing ozone forming potential for vehicles using liquefied petroleum gas as an alternative fuel/ 미리보기
Chang, Chih-Chung Pergamon 2001
334 저널기사 Assessment of the effect of air pollution on material damages in Northeast Asia/ 미리보기
Kim, S. T Pergamon 2004
335 저널기사 Assessment of the ozone sensitivity of 22 native plant species from Mediterranean annual pastures based on visible injury/ 미리보기
Bermejo, V Pergamon 2003
336 저널기사 Assessment of the quality of the air in the city of Palermo through chemical and cell analyses on Pinus needles/ 미리보기
Lombardo, Maria Pergamon 2001
337 저널기사 Association of self-reported religiosity and mortality in industrial employees: the CORDIS study/ 미리보기
Kraut, A Pergamon 2004
338 저널기사 Associative memory in networks of spiking neurons/ 미리보기
Wennekers, Thomas Sommer, Friedrich T Pergamon 2001
339 저널기사 Associative morphological memories based on variations of the kernel and dual kernel methods/ 미리보기
Sussner, P. Pergamon 2003
340 저널기사 Asymmetric (2,3) Wittig rearrangement of crotyl furfuryl ethers/ 미리보기
Tsubuki, Masayoshi Pergamon 2000
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