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441 저널기사 Averaging periods for indoor-outdoor ratios of pollution in naturally ventilated non-domestic buildings near a busy road/ 미리보기
Ni Riain, C. M Pergamon 2003
442 저널기사 Axially dissymmetric binaphthyldiimine chiral salen-type ligands for copper-catalyzed asymmetric aziridination/ 미리보기
Shi, Min Pergamon 2001
443 저널기사 The ABC bandwagon and the juggernaut of modernity 미리보기
Colwyn Jones, T. PERGAMON 2002
444 저널기사 The Abortion Debate in the World Arena - Andrzej Kulczycki, Routledge, New York, 1999, 246 pp, Price. 24.99(paper)/ 미리보기
Maria Dutilh Novaes, H Pergamon 2001
445 저널기사 The accuracy of fast 3D topography measurements/ 미리보기
Ohlsson, R Pergamon 2001
446 저널기사 The acidification process under the cloud in southwest China: observation results and simulation 미리보기
Lei, H.-C Pergamon 1997
447 저널기사 The active surface of suspended particles as a predictor of lung function and pulmonary symptoms in Austrian school children/ 미리보기
Moshammer, H Pergamon 2003
448 저널기사 The Aerosol project: introduction and some background information 미리보기
Erisman, J. W Pergamon 1997
449 저널기사 The Alchian - Allen effect in higher education: public versus private enrollment 미리보기
Kroncke, C. O. PERGAMON 1993
450 저널기사 The ambient concentrations of biogenic hydrocarbons at a northern European, boreal site/ 미리보기
Hakola, Hannele Pergamon 2000
451 저널기사 The ambivalence of error: "scientific ideology" in the history of the life sciences and psychosomatic medicine/ 미리보기
Greco, M Pergamon 2004
452 저널기사 The ANCAT/EC global inventory of NO~x emissions from aircraft 미리보기
Gardner, R. M Pergamon 1997
453 저널기사 The application of throughfall measurements for atmospheric deposition monitoring 미리보기
Draaijers, G. P. J Pergamon 1996
454 저널기사 The application of tool deflection knowledge in process planning to meet geometric tolerances/ 미리보기
Ong, T. S Pergamon 2003
455 저널기사 The appropriateness of RAPM: toward the further development of theory 미리보기
Hartmann, F. G. PERGAMON 2000
456 저널기사 The association of formal and informal public accounting mentoring with role stress and related job outcomes 미리보기
Viator, R. E. PERGAMON 2001
457 저널기사 The atmosphere in England and Wales: an environmental management review/ 미리보기
Weatherley, N S Pergamon 2001
458 저널기사 The atmospheric chemistry of sulphur and nitrogen in power station plumes/ 미리보기
Hewitt, C N Pergamon 2001
459 저널기사 The atmospheric corrosion of copper at two sites in Portugal: a comparative study/ 미리보기
Fonseca, I. T Pergamon 2004
460 저널기사 The atmospheric corrosion of copper by hydrogen sulphide in underground conditions/ 미리보기
Tran, T. T Pergamon 2003
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