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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
141 저널기사 Analysis of motor vehicle sources and their contribution to ambient hydrocarbon distributions at urban sites in Toronto during the Southern Ontario oxidants study 미리보기
McLaren, R Pergamon 1996
142 저널기사 Analysis of structure of energy consumption and dynamics of emission of atmospheric species related to the global environmental change (SO~x, NO~x, and CO~2) in Asia 미리보기
Kato, N Pergamon 1996
143 저널기사 Analysis of the effect of microscale turbulence on atmospheric chemical reactions by means of the p.d.f. approach 미리보기
Gonzalez, M Pergamon 1997
144 저널기사 Analysis of the frequency response of the saccadic circuit: numerical simulations/ 미리보기
Jackson, Mark E Pergamon 2001
145 저널기사 Analysis of the galvanostatic polarization method for determining reliable pitting potentials on stainless steels in crevice-free conditions/ 미리보기
Frangini, S Pergamon 2003
146 저널기사 Analysis of the Recalling Processes of Associative Memory by an IntegralRepresentation of the Sign Function 미리보기
Koyama, H Pergamon 1996
147 저널기사 Analysis of the relationship between ambient levels of O3, NO2 and NO as a function of NOx in the UK/ 미리보기
Clapp, Lynette J Pergamon 2001
148 저널기사 Analysis of the seasonal behavior of tropospheric ozone at Hong Kong 미리보기
Chan, L. Y Pergamon 1998
149 저널기사 Analysis of Tourism Trends in Spain 미리보기
Gonzalez, P. PERGAMON 1996
150 저널기사 Analysis of transport patterns during an SCOS97-NARSTO episode/ 미리보기
Boucouvala, D Pergamon 2003
151 저널기사 Analysis of Trends in Tropospheric Ozone in the Lower Fraser Valley, British Columbia 미리보기
Joe, H Pergamon 1996
152 저널기사 Analysis of tropospheric NOx over Asia using the model of atmospheric transport and chemistry (MATCH-MPIC) and GOME-satellite observations/ 미리보기
Kunhikrishnan, T Pergamon 2004
153 저널기사 Analysis of vegetation within a semi-arid urban environment using high spatial resolution airborne thermal infrared remote sensing data 미리보기
Quattrochi, D. A Pergamon 1998
154 저널기사 Analysis of wintertime NO~2 pollution in the Tokyo Metropolitan area 미리보기
Uno, I Pergamon 1996
155 저널기사 Analysis on high-speed face-milling of 7075-T6 aluminum using carbide and diamond cutters/ 미리보기
Rao, Balkrishna Pergamon 2001
156 저널기사 Analytical techniques for sesquiterpene emission rate studies in vegetation enclosure experiments/ 미리보기
Helmig, D Pergamon 2004
157 저널기사 Analytical Techniques for the Determination and Measurement Data of 7 Chlorinated C~1- and C~2-Hydrocarbons and 6 Monocyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Remote Air Masses: An Overview 미리보기
Dewulf, J Pergamon 1997
158 저널기사 Analytic solutions for gas-phase chemical mechanism compression 미리보기
Makar, P. A Pergamon 1997
159 저널기사 Analyzing stability of equilibrium points in neural networks: a general approach 미리보기
Truccolo, W. A Pergamon 2003
160 저널기사 An ammonia emission inventory for fertilizer application in the United States/ 미리보기
Goebes, M. D Pergamon 2003
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