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181 저널기사 Acetogenins from Annonaceae, inhibitors of mitochondrial complex I 미리보기
Carmen Zafra-Polo, M Pergamon Press 1996
182 저널기사 Acetogenins from Porcelia macrocarpa: stereochemical determination of 2-alkyl-3-hydroxy-4-methyl gamma-lactones by ^1^3C NMR spectroscopy 미리보기
Chaves, M. H Pergamon Press 1997
183 저널기사 Acetogenins from the bark of Uvaria pauci-ovulata 미리보기
Raynaud, S Pergamon Press 1997
184 저널기사 Acetonyltriphenylphosphonium bromide in organic synthesis: a useful catalyst in the cyclotrimerization of aldehydes/ 미리보기
Hon, Yung-Son Pergamon Press 2001
185 저널기사 Acetophenones and other constituents from the roots of Melicope erromangensis 미리보기
Muyard, F Pergamon Press 1996
186 저널기사 Acetophenones from Cynanchum Taiwanianum 미리보기
Huang, P.-L Pergamon Press 1996
187 저널기사 Acetyl and butyrylcholinesterase-inhibiting triterpenoid alkaloids from Buxus papillosa/ 미리보기
Atta-ur-Rahman Pergamon Press 2001
188 저널기사 Acetylation of B15C5 crown ether on Cu modified clay catalysts 미리보기
Cseri, T Pergamon Press 1980
189 저널기사 Acetylation of unsymmetrical diols in the presence of Al~2O~3 미리보기
Breton, G. W Pergamon Press 1980
190 저널기사 Acetylene and carbon monoxide oxidation over a Pt/Rh/CeO2/g-Al2O3 automotive exhaust gas catalyst: kinetic modelling of transient experiments/ 미리보기
Harmsen, J M A Pergamon Press 2001
191 저널기사 Acetylenes and dichloroanisoles from Psathyrella scobinacea/ 미리보기
Taha, Ahmed A Pergamon Press 2000
192 저널기사 Acetylenic silyl ketone as polysynthetic equivalent of useful building blocks in organic synthesis/ 미리보기
Capperucci, Antonella Pergamon Press 2001
193 저널기사 Acetylenic thiophene derivatives from Blumea obliqua 미리보기
Ahmad, V. U Pergamon Press 1996
194 저널기사 Acetyl Substituted Benzenes. Useful Cores for the Synthesis of Dendrimeric Polyketones 미리보기
Diez-Barra, E Pergamon Press 1980
195 저널기사 Achievement of optimum laser cleaning in the restoration of artworks: expected improvements by on-line optical diagnostics/ 미리보기
Salimbeni, R Pergamon Press 2001
196 저널기사 Acid and Base Catalysed Rearrangements of 9,10-Dioxotaxanes 미리보기
Appendino, G Pergamon Press 1980
197 저널기사 Acid- and Enzyme-Catalysed Cyclisation Reactions of (Z,E)-1(10),4-Cyclodecadiene Derivatives as Model Systems for Melampolides 미리보기
Pier, D. P Pergamon Press 1980
198 저널기사 Acid and metal ion promoted hydrolysis of (N-(o-carboxyphenyl)iminodiacetato)(picolinato)chromate(III) complex: a mechanistic study/ 미리보기
Chatterjee, Chinmay Pergamon Press 2001
199 저널기사 Acid-base equilibria in aqueous solution of cis-bis(trimethylphosphine)platinum(II) dinitrate at 25�, 0.2 M ionic strength. A potentiometric study 미리보기
Macca, C Pergamon Press 1980
200 저널기사 Acid-base equilibria in gamma-butyrolactone studied by use of pH-ISFETs 미리보기
Izutsu, K Pergamon Press 1980
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