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301 저널기사 Acyclic Oxyiminium Ions. Mannich Reactions and Addition of Grignard Reagents/ 미리보기
Grigg, R Pergamon Press 2000
302 저널기사 Acyclic stereocontrol between remote atom centers via intramolecular and intermolecular stereo-communication/ 미리보기
Mikami, Koichi Pergamon Press 2001
303 저널기사 Acyclic triterpenoids from Ekebergia capensis 미리보기
Nishiyama, Y Pergamon Press 1996
304 저널기사 Acylated anthocyanidin 3-sophoroside-5-glucosides from Ajuga reptans flowers and the corresponding cell cultures/ 미리보기
Terahara, Norihiko Pergamon Press 2001
305 저널기사 Acylated anthocyanins from leaves of the water lily, Nymphaea marliacea 미리보기
Fossen, T Pergamon Press 1997
306 저널기사 Acylated anthocyanins in red flowers of hyacinthus orientalis regenerated in vitro 미리보기
Hosokawa, K Pergamon Press 1996
307 저널기사 Acylated C-21 steroidal bisdesmosidic glycosides from Caraluma umbellata 미리보기
Qiu, S.-X Pergamon Press 1997
308 저널기사 Acylated cyanidin 3,7,3'-triglucosides in flowers of x Laeliocattleya cv. mini purple and its relatives 미리보기
Tatsuzawa, F Pergamon Press 1996
309 저널기사 Acylated cyanidin glycosides in the red purple flowers of Phalaenopsis 미리보기
Tatsuzawa, F Pergamon Press 1997
310 저널기사 Acylated delphinidin 3-rutinoside-5-glucosides in the flowers of Petunia reitzii 미리보기
Tatsuzawa, Fumi Pergamon Press 2000
311 저널기사 Acylated Delphinidin Glycosides in the Blue-Violet Flowers of Consolida Armeniaca 미리보기
Saito, N Pergamon Press 1996
312 저널기사 Acylated flavone C-glycosides from Cucumis sativus/ 미리보기
Abou-Zaid, Mamdouh M Pergamon Press 2001
313 저널기사 Acylated flavone glycosides from Veronica/ 미리보기
Albach, D. C Pergamon Press 2003
314 저널기사 Acylated flavonoid glycosides and accompanying phenolics from licorice 미리보기
Hatano, T Pergamon Press 1998
315 저널기사 Acylated flavonoids from Blepharis ciliaris 미리보기
Harraz, F. M Pergamon Press 1996
316 저널기사 Acylated flavonol glycosides from Eugenia jambolana leaves/ 미리보기
Mahmoud, Ibrahim I Pergamon Press 2001
317 저널기사 Acylated flavonol glycosides from spinach leaves (Spinacis oleracea) 미리보기
Ferreres, F Pergamon Press 1997
318 저널기사 Acylated Pelargonidin 3-sambubioside-5-glucosides in Matthiola Incana 미리보기
Saito, N Pergamon Press 1996
319 저널기사 Acylated Pelargonidin Glycosides From a Red Potato 미리보기
Naito, K Pergamon Press 1998
320 저널기사 Acylated Peonidin Glycosides in the Slate Flowers of Pharbitis Nil 미리보기
Saito, N Pergamon Press 1996
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