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341 저널기사 Adaptive lifting for shape-based image retrieval/ 미리보기
Oonincx, P. J Pergamon Press 2003
342 저널기사 Adaptive mesh generation on arbitrarily curved shell structures 미리보기
Baumann, M Pergamon Press 1997
343 저널기사 Adaptive mesh refinement for localised phenomena 미리보기
Selman, A Pergamon Press 1997
344 저널기사 Adaptive mesh refinement for shells with modified Ahmad elements 미리보기
Bond, T. J Pergamon Press 1996
345 저널기사 Adaptive methods for frictionless contact problems/ 미리보기
Rieger, A Pergamon Press 2001
346 저널기사 Adaptive radiotherapy for setup and conversion error compensation/ 미리보기
Rehbinder, H Pergamon Press 2003
347 저널기사 Adaptive singular value decomposition in wavelet domain for image denoising/ 미리보기
Hou, Z Pergamon Press 2003
348 저널기사 Addendum to "Observation of intrinsic magnetic domains in C60 polymers"/ 미리보기
Han, K. H Pergamon Press 2003
349 저널기사 Addendum to the paper "Preferential concentration of marine particles inisotropic turbulence" 미리보기
Squires, K. D Pergamon Press 1980
350 저널기사 Adding a micropore framework to a parent activated carbon by carbon deposition from methane or ethylene/ 미리보기
Ramirez, S Pergamon Press 2003
351 저널기사 Additional carotenoid prototype representatives and a general chemosystematic evaluation of carotenoids in Prasinophyceae (Chlorophyta) 미리보기
Egeland, E. S Pergamon Press 1997
352 저널기사 Additional comments on the article "Solution of boundary-value problems by orthogonal collocation" 미리보기
Stewart, W. E Pergamon Press 1980
353 저널기사 Additional gene therapy with Ad5CMV-p53 enhanced the efficacy of radiotherapy in human prostate cancer cells/ 미리보기
Sasaki, Ryohei Pergamon Press 2001
354 저널기사 Additionality or Diversion? Food Aid to Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Republics and the Implications for Developing Countries 미리보기
Benson, C. PERGAMON PRESS 1998
355 저널기사 Addition Dipolaire-1,3 des Arylnitriloxydes avec quelques DipolarophilesOlefiniques sur Alumine en Milieu sec et sous Micro-ondes 미리보기
Syassi, B Pergamon Press 1980
356 저널기사 Addition of 2,3-dihydro-5-furanyllithium to diisopropyl squarate as a means for the rapid generation of structurally complex oxygen-containing tetraquinane networks 미리보기
Paquette, L. A Pergamon Press 1980
357 저널기사 Addition of a sulfur-stabilized radical to electron-deficient alkenes via phenyl selenide transfer 미리보기
Byers, J. C Pergamon Press 1980
358 저널기사 Addition of carbon-centered radicals to imines and related compounds/ 미리보기
Friestad, Gregory K Pergamon Press 2001
359 저널기사 Addition of C-nucleophiles to carbohydrate-derived 2,3-dihydro-4h-pyran-4-ones: a new entry to thromboxane analogues 미리보기
Kirschning, A Pergamon Press 1980
360 저널기사 Addition of dienolates to sulfinimines. Stereoselective synthesis of dihydropyridones/ 미리보기
Kawecki, Robert Pergamon Press 2001
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