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481 저널기사 Advances in the directed metallation of azines and diazines (pyridines, pyrimidines, pyrazines, pyridazines, quinolines, benzodiazines and carbolines). Part 1: Metallation of pyridines, quinolines and carbolines/ 미리보기
Mongin, Florence Pergamon Press 2001
482 저널기사 Advances in the directed metallation of azines and diazines (pyridines, pyrimidines, pyrazines, pyridazines, quinolines, benzodiazines and carbolines). Part 2: Metallation of pyrimidines, pyrazines, pyridazines and benzodiazines/ 미리보기
Turck, Alain Pergamon Press 2001
483 저널기사 Advances in the Heck chemistry of aryl bromides and chlorides/ 미리보기
Whitcombe, Nicole J Pergamon Press 2001
484 저널기사 advances in triterpenoid research, 1990-1994 미리보기
Mahato, S. B Pergamon Press 1997
485 저널기사 Adverse impact of multileaf collimator field shaping on lens dose in children with acute leukemia receiving cranial irradiation/ 미리보기
Kalapurakal, John A Pergamon Press 2000
486 저널기사 Advert/ 미리보기
Pergamon Press 2003
487 저널기사 Advert for ESCP-EAP volume 20/4 미리보기
unknown PERGAMON PRESS 2002
488 저널기사 Aeration in wastewater treatment - Applying fine bubble aeration to small aeration tanks/ 미리보기
Duch�ne, Ph Pergamon Press 2001
489 저널기사 Aeration in wastewater treatment - Mass balance for on-line akLa estimation In activated sludge oxidation ditch/ 미리보기
Chatellier, R Pergamon Press 2001
490 저널기사 Aeration in wastewater treatment - The effect of acid cleaning on a fine pore ceramic diffuser aeration system/ 미리보기
Hung, C-H Pergamon Press 2001
491 저널기사 Aerobic and anoxic biodegradation of benzoate: stability of biodegradative capability under endogenous conditions/ 미리보기
�inar, �zer Pergamon Press 2001
492 저널기사 Aerobic biodegradation of an oxygenates mixture: ETBE, MTBE and TAME in an upflow fixed-bed reactor/ 미리보기
Kharoune, M Pergamon Press 2001
493 저널기사 Aerobic biodegradation of benzene, toluene and ethylbenzene in liquid medium by a bacterial consortium, isolated from non-history clay soil, and their interrelation effect/ 미리보기
Armon, R Pergamon Press 2000
494 저널기사 Aerobic biodegradation of thiocyanate 미리보기
Hung, C.-H Pergamon Press 1980
495 저널기사 Aerobic Biological Treatment of a Pharmaceutical Wastewater: - Effect of Temperature on COD Removal and Bacterial Community Development/ 미리보기
Lapara, Timothy M Pergamon Press 2001
496 저널기사 Aerobic catalytic epoxidation of unfunctionalized olefins using a new (salen)manganese (III) complex bearing a sesquiterpene salicylaldehyde derivative 미리보기
Fernandez, I Pergamon Press 1980
497 저널기사 Aerobic epoxidation of olefins catalysed by square-planar cobalt(III) complexes of bis-N,N'-disubstituted oxamides and related ligands 미리보기
Estrada, J Pergamon Press 1980
498 저널기사 Aerobic granular sludge in a sequencing batch reactor 미리보기
Morgenroth, E Pergamon Press 1980
499 저널기사 Aerobic oxidation of alkanes in the presence of acetaldehyde catalysed by copper-crown ether 미리보기
Komiya, N Pergamon Press 1980
500 저널기사 Aerobic storage by activated sludge on real wastewater/ 미리보기
Carucci, A Pergamon Press 2001
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