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541 저널기사 Agricultural wastewaters - Treatment of swine wastewater in marsh-pond-marsh constructed wetlands/ 미리보기
Reddy, G B Pergamon Press 2001
542 저널기사 Agricultural wastewaters - Using wetlands for water quality improvement in agricultural watersheds; the importance of a watershed scale approach/ 미리보기
Crumpton, W G Pergamon Press 2001
543 저널기사 Agriculture Under Trade Policy Reform: A Quantitative Assessment for India 미리보기
544 저널기사 Agroclimatic Shock, Income Inequality, and Poverty: Evidence from Burkina Faso 미리보기
Reardon, T. PERGAMON PRESS 1996
545 저널기사 Agrocybenine, novel class alkaloid from the Korean mushroom Agrocybe cylindracea 미리보기
Koshino, H Pergamon Press 1980
546 저널기사 Agro-industry wastes management - Abattoir effluent treatment and protein production/ 미리보기
Villiers, G H de Pergamon Press 2001
547 저널기사 Agro-industry wastes management - Application of membrane and ozonation technologies to remove color from agro-industry effluents/ 미리보기
Koyuncu, I Pergamon Press 2001
548 저널기사 Agro-industry wastes management - A scientific approach to wastewater recovery and reuse in the textile industry/ 미리보기
Orhon, D Pergamon Press 2001
549 저널기사 Agro-industry wastes management - Enhancement of anaerobic treatability of olive oil mill effluents by addition of Ca(OH)2 and bentonite without intermediate solid/liquid separation/ 미리보기
Beccari, M Pergamon Press 2001
550 저널기사 Agro-industry wastes management - Full-scale evaluation of heat balance for autothermal thermophilic aerobic treatment of food processing wastewater/ 미리보기
Chiang, C F Pergamon Press 2001
551 저널기사 Agro-industry wastes management - Inhibition by chromium and cadmium of anaerobic acidogenesis/ 미리보기
Yu, H Q Pergamon Press 2001
552 저널기사 Agro-industry wastes management - Struvite precipitation potential for nutrient recovery from anaerobically treated wastes/ 미리보기
Miles, A Pergamon Press 2001
553 저널기사 Aichi Cancer Center 10-year experience with conservative breast treatment of early breast cancer: retrospective analysis regarding failure patterns and factors influencing local control/ 미리보기
Kodaira, Takeshi Pergamon Press 2001
554 저널기사 Aid and the Public Sector in Pakistan: Evidence with Endogenous Aid 미리보기
Franco-Rodriguez, S. PERGAMON PRESS 1998
555 저널기사 AIDS and Economic Welfare in Peasant Agriculture: Case Studies from Kagabiro Village, Kagera Region, Tanzania 미리보기
Tibaijuka, A. K. PERGAMON PRESS 1997
556 저널기사 Air Assisted Solvent Extraction/ 미리보기
Chen, F Pergamon Press 2003
557 저널기사 Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers and Cooling Towers, Detlev G. Kr�ger (Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Stellenbosch) (1998), 875 p. Distributed by Begell House, Inc., New York/ 미리보기
Martin, Holger Pergamon Press 2001
558 저널기사 Air entrainment in angled dip coating 미리보기
Cohu, O Pergamon Press 1980
559 저널기사 Air entrainment in an inductively coupled plasma measured by Raman and Rayleigh scattering 미리보기
De Regt, J. M Pergamon Press 1980
560 저널기사 Airlift-driven external-loop tubular photobioreactors for outdoor production of microalgae: assessment of design and performance/ 미리보기
Aci�n Fern�ndez, F G Pergamon Press 2001
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