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561 저널기사 Air treatment - Biofiltration of volatile organic compounds - Application to air treatment/ 미리보기
Ramirez-Lopez, E M Pergamon Press 2000
562 저널기사 Air treatment - Flow characterization in a gas-liquid column: Application to a bioscrubber for the deodorization of waste gases/ 미리보기
Humeau, P Pergamon Press 2000
563 저널기사 Ajugapyrin A, a neo-clerodane diterpene from ajuga pyramidalis 미리보기
Boneva, I. M Pergamon Press 1998
564 저널기사 Akaterpin, a novel bioactive triterpene from the marine sponge Callyspongia sp 미리보기
Fukami, A Pergamon Press 1980
565 저널기사 Al and pH anomalies in the Manus Basin reappraised: comments on the paper by T. Gamo et al. , "Hydrothermal plumes in the eastern Manus Basin, Bismarck Sea: CH~4, Mn, Al and pH anomalies" 미리보기
Resing, J. A Pergamon Press 1980
566 저널기사 Alangicadinosides A-E: sesquiterpene glycosides from leaves of Alangium premnifolium 미리보기
Otsuka, H Pergamon Press 1996
567 저널기사 Alboinon, an oxadiazinone alkaloid from the ascidian Dendrodoa grossularia 미리보기
Bergmann, T Pergamon Press 1980
568 저널기사 AlCl~3-catalyzed regiospecific alkylation of aromatics with chlorobenzotrifluorides: a high yield preparation of 1,1-dichlorodiphenylmethanes 미리보기
Ramchandani, R. K Pergamon Press 1980
569 저널기사 Alcohol biosensor based on alcohol dehydrogenase and Meldola Blue immobilized into a carbon paste electrode 미리보기
Garcia Mullor, S Pergamon Press 1980
570 저널기사 Alcohol synthesis with Zn/Cr catalysts in a slurry reactor 미리보기
McCutchen, M. S Pergamon Press 1980
571 저널기사 Aldol addition of aldehydes - a stereoselective approach to syn-3-hydroxyaldehydes 미리보기
Mahrwald, R Pergamon Press 1980
572 저널기사 Aldol Condensation Reactions of Chiral (Dienone) Tricarbonyliron Complexes. 2. Enantioselective Synthesis of the Dienic Polyols Streptenols C andD (Metabolites from Streptomyces Fimbriatus) 미리보기
Franck-Neumann, M Pergamon Press 1980
573 저널기사 Aldol Condensation Reactions of (Dienone) Tricarbonyliron Complexes. 3^1. Enantioselective Total Synthesis of 3,6-Dideoxyhexoses from Lactaldehyde 미리보기
Franck-Neumann, M Pergamon Press 1980
574 저널기사 Aldol Condensation Reactions of (Dienone) Tricarbonyliron Complexes. 4^1. Enantioselective Total Synthesis of 3-Deoxypentoses from (-)-Myrtenal 미리보기
Franck-Neumann, M Pergamon Press 1980
575 저널기사 Aldol-cyclization reaction sequence for the synthesis of tetrahydrofurans 미리보기
Calter, M. A Pergamon Press 1980
576 저널기사 Aldol reactions of ketal-protected tartrate ester enolates. Asymmetric syntheses and absolute stereochemical assignments of phospholipase A~2 inhibitors cinatrin C~1 and C~3 미리보기
Evans, D. A Pergamon Press 1980
577 저널기사 Aldol reactions on solid phase. Sc(OTf)~3-catalyzed aldol reactions of polymer-supported silyl enol ethers with aldehydes providing convenient methods for the preparation of 1,3-diol, �hydroxy carboxylic acid, and �hydroxy aldehyde libraries 미리보기
Kobayashi, S Pergamon Press 1980
578 저널기사 Aldol type condensation of imines catalyzed by samarium complexes 미리보기
Shiraishi, H Pergamon Press 1980
579 저널기사 Aleppicatines A and B from Euphorbia aleppica 미리보기
Oeksuez, S Pergamon Press 1996
580 저널기사 Algal growth inhibition test: does shading of coloured substances really matter? 미리보기
Cleuvers, M Pergamon Press 2003
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