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641 저널기사 Alkylation of Rink's Amide Linker on Polystyrene Resin: A Reductive Amination Approach to Modified Amine-Linkers for the Solid Phase Synthesis ofN-Substituted Amide Derivatives 미리보기
Brown, E. G Pergamon Press 1980
642 저널기사 Alkylation of the dianion of 3-oxo-13-tetradecanolide 미리보기
Neeland, E. G Pergamon Press 1980
643 저널기사 Alkylation of thymine with 1,2-dibromoethane/ 미리보기
Nawrot, B Pergamon Press 2001
644 저널기사 Alkylation of tricarbonyl(diene)iron complexes: model studies for the preparation of protomycinolide IV 미리보기
Wasicak, J. T Pergamon Press 1980
645 저널기사 Alkylidene-2H-pyrans by thermal electrocyclic ring closure of (2Z)-divinylallenals 미리보기
De Lera, A. R Pergamon Press 1980
646 저널기사 Alkyl-lysophospholipids as anticancer agents and enhancers of radiation-induced apoptosis/ 미리보기
Ruiter, Gerald A Pergamon Press 2001
647 저널기사 Alkyl phenols and derivatives from Tapirira obtusa/ 미리보기
Correia, Suzimone de Jesus Pergamon Press 2001
648 저널기사 Alkyne bridged �amino acids by palladium mediated coupling of alkynes with N-t-Boc-4-iodophenylalanine methyl ester 미리보기
Kayser, B Pergamon Press 1980
649 저널기사 Alkyne complexes of tungsten(II) containing carboxylate and sulfonate substituted pyridine ligands. Water-soluble alkyne complexes of tungsten(II)/ 미리보기
Baker, Paul K Pergamon Press 2000
650 저널기사 Alkynylation of Aldehydic C-H Bonds via Reaction with Acetylenic Triflones 미리보기
Gong, J Pergamon Press 1980
651 저널기사 Allelic loss of chromosome 1p and radiotherapy plus chemotherapy in patients with oligodendrogliomas/ 미리보기
Bauman, G S Pergamon Press 2000
652 저널기사 Allelochemicals of the tropical weed Sphenoclea zeylanica/ 미리보기
Hirai, Nobuhiro Pergamon Press 2000
653 저널기사 Allelopathic potential of Echinacea angustifolia D.C 미리보기
Viles, A. L Pergamon Press 1980
654 저널기사 Allelopathic sesquiterpenoids from rhizomes of Petasites japonicus ssp. giganteus Kitam/ 미리보기
Goto, Yoko Pergamon Press 2001
655 저널기사 Allelopathic substances in Pueraria thunbergiana/ 미리보기
Kato-Noguchi, H Pergamon Press 2003
656 저널기사 Allelopathy Update. Volume 1, International Status, Volume 2, Basic and Applied Aspects - Edited by S.S. Narwal, Science Publishers, Enfield, New Hampshire, USA, 1999. 335 pp. and 348 pp. ISBN 1-57808-063-0, (GBP)91.00 the set/ 미리보기
Harborne, Jeffrey B Pergamon Press 2001
657 저널기사 Allene formation by the Reaction of Olefins with Propargyl Silyl Ethers Mediated by a Zirconocene Complex 미리보기
Takahashi, T Pergamon Press 1980
658 저널기사 Allenyl(vinyl)methane photochemistry. Photochemistry of 4,4,7-trimethyl-5-phenyl-2,5,6-octatrienate derivatives 미리보기
Tsuno, T Pergamon Press 1980
659 저널기사 Allenyl(vinyl)methane photochemistry. Photochemistry of g-(3-methyl-1-phenyl-1,2-butadienyl)-substituted a,b-unsaturated ester and nitrile derivatives/ 미리보기
Tsuno, Takashi Pergamon Press 2001
660 저널기사 Alliances versus acquisitions: choosing the right option 미리보기
Garette, B. PERGAMON PRESS 2000
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