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801 저널기사 Anaerobic codigestion of municipal solid waste and biosolids under various mixing conditions-II: microbial population dynamics/ 미리보기
Mcmahon, Katherine D Pergamon Press 2001
802 저널기사 Anaerobic degradation and inhibitory effects of linoleic acid/ 미리보기
Lalman, Jerald A Pergamon Press 2000
803 저널기사 Anaerobic digestion - A molecular method to study population and activity dynamics in anaerobic digestors/ 미리보기
Delb�s, C Pergamon Press 2001
804 저널기사 Anaerobic digestion - Anaerobic degradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene in granular activated carbon fluidized bed and batch reactors/ 미리보기
Moteleb, M A Pergamon Press 2001
805 저널기사 Anaerobic digestion for sustainable development - Corrosion protection by anaerobiosis/ 미리보기
Volkland, H R Pergamon Press 2001
806 저널기사 Anaerobic digestion for sustainable development - Solid waste digestors: Process performance and practice for municipal solid waste digestion/ 미리보기
Lissens, G Pergamon Press 2001
807 저널기사 Anaerobic digestion - Hybrid modelling of anaerobic wastewater treatment processes/ 미리보기
Karama, A Pergamon Press 2001
808 저널기사 Anaerobic digestion - Mechanical disintegration of sewage sludge/ 미리보기
Lehne, G Pergamon Press 2001
809 저널기사 Anaerobic digestion - New perspectives in anaerobic digestion/ 미리보기
Lier, J B van Pergamon Press 2001
810 저널기사 Anaerobic digestion of solid waste/Biogas generation, control and utilisation - Effect of inoculum-substrate ratio on the start-up of solid waste anaerobic digesters/ 미리보기
Fern�ndez, B Pergamon Press 2001
811 저널기사 Anaerobic digestion of solid waste/Biogas generation, control and utilisation - Study of thermal hydrolysis as a pretreatment to mesophilic anaerobic digestion of pig slurry/ 미리보기
Bonmati, A Pergamon Press 2001
812 저널기사 Anaerobic digestion of swine manure: inhibition by ammonia 미리보기
Hansen, K. H Pergamon Press 1980
813 저널기사 Anaerobic digestion - Performance characterization of anaerobic sequencing batch reactor process for digestion of night soil/ 미리보기
Lee, J G Pergamon Press 2001
814 저널기사 Anaerobic digestion - Population dynamics of anaerobic microbial consortia in thermophilic granular sludge in response to feed composition change/ 미리보기
Syutsubo, K Pergamon Press 2001
815 저널기사 Anaerobic digestion - Rapid-rate thermophilic, single-stage and two-phase methane fermentation of synfuel-industry wastewaters/ 미리보기
Ghosh, S Pergamon Press 2001
816 저널기사 Anaerobic digestion - Study of microbial community of brewery-treating granular sludge by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of 16S rRNA gene/ 미리보기
Chan, O-C Pergamon Press 2001
817 저널기사 Anaerobic mineralization of indigenous organic matters and methanogenesis in tropical wetland soils 미리보기
Miyajima, T Pergamon Press 1980
818 저널기사 Anaerobic pre-treatment of herbal-based pharmaceutical wastewater using fixed-film reactor with recourse to energy recovery/ 미리보기
Nandy, Tapas Pergamon Press 2001
819 저널기사 Anaerobic sulfide oxidation and stable isotope fractionation associated with bacterial sulfur disproportionation in the presence of MnO2/ 미리보기
B�ttcher, Michael E Pergamon Press 2001
820 저널기사 Anaerobic Toxicity and Biodegradation of Formaldehyde in Batch Cultures 미리보기
Lu, Z Pergamon Press 1980
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