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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
981 저널기사 Analysis of two-phase flow distribution in trickle-bed reactors/ 미리보기
Souadnia, A Pergamon Press 2001
982 저널기사 Analysis of undigested honey samples by isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with direct injection nebulization (ID-ICP-MS)/ 미리보기
Packer, Ana Paula Pergamon Press 2001
983 저널기사 Analysis of vapor back flow in single-pass air-cooled condensers 미리보기
Fabbri, G Pergamon Press 1980
984 저널기사 Analysis of vibrational spectra of multicomponent systems. Application to pH-dependent resonance Raman spectra of ferricytochrome c 미리보기
Doepner, S Pergamon Press 1980
985 저널기사 Analysis of volatiles emitted by potato plants by means of a Colorado beetle electroantennographic detector 미리보기
Weissbecker, B Pergamon Press 1980
986 저널기사 Analysis of wave modes in liquid film falling down a vertical oscillating plate 미리보기
Drahos, J Pergamon Press 1980
987 저널기사 Analyte stabilization by electrodeposited palladium modifier for electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry: characterization by scanning electron microscopy and anodic stripping voltammetry 미리보기
Matousek, J. P Pergamon Press 1980
988 저널기사 Analytical and experimental crack identification of beam structures in air or in fluid 미리보기
Gounaris, G. D Pergamon Press 1997
989 저널기사 Analytical and experimental response time to flow rate step along a counter flow double pipe heat exchanger/ 미리보기
Abdelghani-Idrissi, M A Pergamon Press 2001
990 저널기사 Analytical and numerical evaluation of two-fluid model solutions for laminar fully developed bubbly two-phase flows/ 미리보기
Azpitarte, O. E Pergamon Press 2003
991 저널기사 Analytical and numerical investigation of wrinkling for deep-drawn anisotropic metal sheets/ 미리보기
De Magalhaes Correia, J. P Pergamon Press 2003
992 저널기사 Analytical and numerical solutions describing the inward solidification of a binary melt/ 미리보기
Feltham, Daniel L Pergamon Press 2001
993 저널기사 Analytical and numerical solutions of fixed and moving boundary problemsfor liquid surfactant membrane processes 미리보기
Dong Hyun Kim Pergamon Press 1980
994 저널기사 Analytical applications of graphite electrode modified with Bis(diisopropyloxithiophosphon)Disulphide 미리보기
Denchev, Z. I Pergamon Press 1980
995 저널기사 Analytical approximations of the shape factors for conductive heat flow in circular and regular polygonal cross-sections/ 미리보기
Kolodziej, Jan A Pergamon Press 2001
996 저널기사 Analytical assessment of the oscillating chemical reactions by use chemiluminescence detection 미리보기
Jimenez-Prieto, R Pergamon Press 1980
997 저널기사 Analytical capabilities of an inductively coupled plasma Mattauch-Herzog mass spectrometer/ 미리보기
Solyom, David A Pergamon Press 2001
998 저널기사 Analytical characterisation of amplitude-dampening and phase-shifting in air/soil heat-exchangers/ 미리보기
Hollmuller, P Pergamon Press 2003
999 저널기사 Analytical Determination of Equivalent Modal Damping Ratios of a Composite Tower in Wind-Induced Vibrations 미리보기
Huang, B. C Pergamon Press 1996
1000 저널기사 Analytical methodology for speciation of arsenic in environmental and biological samples 미리보기
Burguera, M Pergamon Press 1980
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