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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1081 저널기사 An assessment of contemporary atomic spectroscopic techniques for the determination of lead in blood and urine matrices/ 미리보기
Parsons, Patrick J Pergamon Press 2001
1082 저널기사 An assessment of the toxicity of some pesticides and their metabolites affecting a natural aquatic environment using the MicrotoxTM system/ 미리보기
Amor�, I Pergamon Press 2000
1083 저널기사 An associated solution model for albite-water melts 미리보기
Zeng, Q Pergamon Press 1980
1084 저널기사 An asymmetric synthesis (-)-epibatidine 미리보기
Trost, B. M Pergamon Press 1980
1085 저널기사 An asymmetric synthesis of (+)-apogossypol hexamethyl ether 미리보기
Meyers, A. I Pergamon Press 1980
1086 저널기사 An Asymmetric synthesis of (+)-isonitramine by `triple allylic strain-controlled' intramolecular S~N2' alkylation 미리보기
Kim, D Pergamon Press 1980
1087 저널기사 An asymmetric synthesis of vigabatrin 미리보기
Trost, B. M Pergamon Press 1980
1088 저널기사 An Asymmetric Synthesis of �Amino Acid Derivatives from Racemic Ethyl N-Phenylsulphonyl-�bromoglycinate using Homochiral Aluminium Complexes 미리보기
Morgan, P. E Pergamon Press 1980
1089 저널기사 An Asymmetric Total Synthesis of (-)-Fumagillol 미리보기
Kim, D Pergamon Press 1980
1090 저널기사 An asymmetry induced azepine-ring formation through the ene reactions atthe periphery of heterocyclic systems 미리보기
Noguchi, M Pergamon Press 1980
1091 저널기사 Anatexis of lunar cumulate mantle in time and space: Clues from trace-element, strontium, and neodymium isotopic chemistry of parental Apollo 12 basalts 미리보기
Snyder, G. A Pergamon Press 1980
1092 저널기사 Anatomization of hysteresis loops in pure bending of ideal pseudoelastic SMA beams/ 미리보기
Raniecki, Bogdan Pergamon Press 2001
1093 저널기사 Anatomy of three warm-core Leeuwin Current eddies 미리보기
Morrow, R Pergamon Press 2003
1094 저널기사 An ATP-based method for monitoring the microbiological drinking water quality in a distribution network/ 미리보기
Delahaye, E Pergamon Press 2003
1095 저널기사 An Attempt to Predict the Gelation Ability of Hydrogen-bond-based Gelators Utilizing a Glycoside Library/ 미리보기
Luboradzki, Roman Pergamon Press 2000
1096 저널기사 An attempt to separate Q from the Allende meteorite by physical methods/ 미리보기
Amari, S Pergamon Press 2003
1097 저널기사 An Attitude Survey Approach to the Social Audit 미리보기
Brooks, L. J.;Brooks Jr., L. J. Pergamon Press 1980
1098 저널기사 An attribution theory analysis of tax evasion related judgments 미리보기
Kaplan, S. E.;Reckers, P. M. J.;roark, S. J. Pergamon Press 1988
1099 저널기사 An automatic back titration method for microchemical analysis 미리보기
Tan, A Pergamon Press 1980
1100 저널기사 An Automatic Image Analysis of Coke Texture 미리보기
Eilertsen, J. L Pergamon Press 1996
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