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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1161 저널기사 An efficient conversion of conjugated oximes into substituted pyridines under Vilsmeier conditions 미리보기
Ahmed, S Pergamon Press 1980
1162 저널기사 An efficient evolutionary algorithm for accurate polygonal approximation/ 미리보기
Ho, Shinn-Ying Pergamon Press 2001
1163 저널기사 An efficient formal synthesis of balanol via the asymmetric epoxide ringopening reaction 미리보기
Wu, M. H Pergamon Press 1980
1164 저널기사 An Efficient Functionalization of [60]Fullerene. Diels-Alder Reaction Using 1,3-Butadienes Substituted with Electron-Withdrawing and Electron-Donating (Silyloxy) Groups 미리보기
Ohno, M Pergamon Press 1980
1165 저널기사 An efficient general method for esterification of aromatic carboxylic acids 미리보기
Hosangadi, B. D Pergamon Press 1980
1166 저널기사 An efficient ketone-catalyzed asymmetric epoxidation using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as primary oxidant/ 미리보기
Shu, Lianhe Pergamon Press 2001
1167 저널기사 An efficient ligand exchange reaction of �(trifyloxy)vinyliodonium triflates with aryllithium reagents leading to diaryliodonium triflates 미리보기
Kitamura, T Pergamon Press 1980
1168 저널기사 An efficient method for 4�anilino-4'-demethylepipodophyllotoxins: synthesis of NPF and W-68 미리보기
Kamal, A Pergamon Press 1980
1169 저널기사 An efficient method for aromatic Friedel-Crafts alkylation, acylation, benzoylation, and sulfonylation reactions/ 미리보기
Singh, Ravi P Pergamon Press 2001
1170 저널기사 An efficient method for converting alcohols to azides with 2,4,4,6-tetrabromo-2,5-cyclohexadienone/PPh~3/Zn(N~3)~2�Py 미리보기
Saito, A Pergamon Press 1980
1171 저널기사 An efficient method for elastic-plastic analysis of destructive structures 미리보기
Li, S Pergamon Press 1996
1172 저널기사 An Efficient Method for Generation of �Oxoketenes: Cycloreversion of Enolized Meldrum's Acid Derivatives 미리보기
Sato, M Pergamon Press 1980
1173 저널기사 An efficient method for the oxidation of urazoles with (NO+.crown.H(NO3)2-)/ 미리보기
Zolfigol, Mohammad Ali Pergamon Press 2001
1174 저널기사 An efficient method for the preparation of amidinoureas 미리보기
Yuan, C Pergamon Press 1980
1175 저널기사 An efficient method for the reductive transposition of allylic alcohols 미리보기
Myers, A. G Pergamon Press 1980
1176 저널기사 An efficient method for the retrieval of objects by topological relations in spatial database systems/ 미리보기
Lin, P. L Pergamon Press 2003
1177 저널기사 An efficient method for the synthesis of substituted TosMIC precursors 미리보기
Sisko, J Pergamon Press 1980
1178 저널기사 An efficient method for �monofluorination of carbonyl compounds with molecular fluorine: use of �hydroxymethylene substituent as directing and activating groups 미리보기
Kamaya, H Pergamon Press 1980
1179 저널기사 An efficient method in stannylcupration of a methyl substituted enyne oralkyne by kinetic control using methanol 미리보기
Betzer, J.-F Pergamon Press 1980
1180 저널기사 An Efficient One-Pot Synthesis of 3-(Aryl and Alkyl)methylene-1H-isoindolin-1-ones via Aryne Cyclization and Horner Reaction of o-(and m-) Halogeno-N-phosphorylmethylbenzamide Derivatives 미리보기
Couture, A Pergamon Press 1980
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