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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1261 저널기사 An equity-efficiency trade-off model for the optimum location of medical care facilities 미리보기
Cho, Cheol-Joo Pergamon Press 1998
1262 저널기사 An equity-efficiency trade-off model for the optimum location of medical care facilities 미리보기
1263 저널기사 An ESIS conference on cumulative fatigue damage, Seville, Spain, May 2003/ 미리보기
Pergamon Press 2000
1264 저널기사 An ESR study of the copper(II)-glycyl-l-histidine system in aqueous solution by the simultaneous analysis of multi-component spectra. Formation constants and coordination modes/ 미리보기
Szab�Pl�nka, Ter�zia Pergamon Press 2000
1265 저널기사 An ESR study of the copper(II)-glycyl-l-serine and copper(II)-l-seryl-glycine systems by the simultaneous analysis of multi-component isotropic spectra. Formation constants and coordination modes/ 미리보기
Szab�Pl�nka, Ter�zia Pergamon Press 2001
1266 저널기사 An esterase is involved in geraniol production during palmarosa inflorescence development/ 미리보기
Dubey, V. S Pergamon Press 2003
1267 저널기사 An eudesmanolide and a carotane from Ferula sinaica/ 미리보기
Ahmed, Ahmed A Pergamon Press 2001
1268 저널기사 An evaluation of a commercial �chelle spectrometer with intensified charge-coupled device detector for materials analysis by laser-induced plasma spectroscopy/ 미리보기
Detalle, Vincent Pergamon Press 2001
1269 저널기사 An evaluation of density corrections for estimating diffusivities in liquids and liquid mixtures 미리보기
Da Rocha, S. R. P Pergamon Press 1980
1270 저널기사 An evaluation of effective diffusivity in (W/O) emulsion drops 미리보기
Kinugasa, T Pergamon Press 1980
1271 저널기사 An Evaluation of Environmental Disclosures Made in Corporate Annual Reports 미리보기
Wiseman, J. Pergamon Press 1982
1272 저널기사 An evaluation of low-temperature apatite U-Th/He thermochronometry 미리보기
Warnock, A. C Pergamon Press 1980
1273 저널기사 An evaluation of model parameterizations of sediment pathways: a case study for the Tejo estuary 미리보기
Barros, A. P Pergamon Press 1980
1274 저널기사 An evaluation of patient-reported gastrointestinal and urinary symptoms following surgery and radiation therapy for localized rectal cancer/ 미리보기
Chawla, A. K Pergamon Press 2003
1275 저널기사 An evaluation of patterns of failure and subjective salivary function in patients treated with intensity-modulated radiotherapy for head and neck cancers/ 미리보기
Yau, J Pergamon Press 2003
1276 저널기사 An evaluation of peritumoral edema in the clinical target volume delineation for radiotherapy of glioblastoma/ 미리보기
Chang, E. L Pergamon Press 2003
1277 저널기사 An evaluation of radiation exposure from portal films taken during definitive courses of pediatric radiotherapy/ 미리보기
Famiglietti, R Pergamon Press 2003
1278 저널기사 An Evaluation of "The Everyday Accountant and Researching His Reality" 미리보기
Abdel-Khalik, A. R.;Ajinkya, B. B. Pergamon Press 1983
1279 저널기사 An evaluation of the single-grain zircon evaporation method in highly discordant samples 미리보기
Karabinos, P Pergamon Press 1980
1280 저널기사 An evaluation of two cathode materials and the impact of copper on bioelectrochemical denitrification 미리보기
Cast, K. L Pergamon Press 1980
맨앞 이전 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 다음 맨뒤
