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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1421 저널기사 An in situ observation of amorphization of carbyne particle under electron-beam irradiation 미리보기
Yamada, K Pergamon Press 1996
1422 저널기사 An in situ procedure for catalytic, enantioselective acetate aldol addition. Application to the synthesis of (R)-(-)-epinephrine 미리보기
Singer, R. A Pergamon Press 1980
1423 저널기사 An integral approximate solution of heat transfer in the grinding process 미리보기
Zhang, Y Pergamon Press 1980
1424 저널기사 An integrated approach for scene understanding based on Markov Random Field model 미리보기
Kim, I. Y Pergamon Press 1980
1425 저널기사 An Integrated Approach to Control System Design 미리보기
Ansari, S. L. Pergamon Press 1977
1426 저널기사 An integrated approach to structural shape optimization 미리보기
Pourazady, M Pergamon Press 1996
1427 저널기사 An integrated approach to the structure of sepia melanin. Evidence for ahigh proportion of degraded 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid units in the pigment backbone 미리보기
Pezzella, A Pergamon Press 1980
1428 저널기사 An integrated biological pump model from the euphotic zone to the sediment: a 1-D application in the Northeast tropical Atlantic/ 미리보기
Dadou, I Pergamon Press 2001
1429 저널기사 An integrated chemoenzymatic synthesis of enantiopure (-)-(1R,5S)-cyclosarkomycin: a sarkomycin precursor 미리보기
Andrau, L Pergamon Press 1980
1430 저널기사 An Integrated Framework for Managing Change in the New Competitive Landscape 미리보기
Prastacos, G.; Soderquist, K.; Spanos, Y.; Van Wassenhove, L. PERGAMON PRESS 2002
1431 저널기사 An Integrated Kinetic Model for Water Hyacinth Ponds Used for WastewaterTreatment 미리보기
Polprasert, C Pergamon Press 1980
1432 저널기사 An integrated volumetric imaging and guidance system for targeting of soft-tissue structures in radiotherapy/ 미리보기
Sharpe, M. B Pergamon Press 2003
1433 저널기사 An integration technique for evaluating confluent hypergeometric functions and its application to functionally graded materials/ 미리보기
Liu, G R Pergamon Press 2001
1434 저널기사 An intensely luminescent polymeric lanthanide chelator for multiple fluorescence labeling of biomolecules 미리보기
Lamture, J. B Pergamon Press 1980
1435 저널기사 An interactive computer assisted system for conceptual structural designof steel buildings 미리보기
Fuyama, H Pergamon Press 1997
1436 저널기사 An intermolecular Michael addition of benzene 미리보기
Wang, T.-C Pergamon Press 1980
1437 저널기사 An Interplay in the Regioselectivity Induced by Non Bonding Interactions, in the ene Reactions of Singlet Oxygen and Triazolinediones with Tetrasubstituted Alkenes 미리보기
Elemes, Y Pergamon Press 1980
1438 저널기사 An intramolecular 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition approach to a pyrimidoazepinone derivative. A potentially useful intermediate towards the synthesis of pyrimidoazepine based folic acid derivatives 미리보기
Miller, M. L Pergamon Press 1980
1439 저널기사 An intramolecular [2+2] photocycloaddition-fragmentation approach towards the total synthesis of asteriscanolide 미리보기
Booker-Milburn, K. I Pergamon Press 1980
1440 저널기사 An intramolecular Arbuzov rearrangement initiated by anodic oxidation 미리보기
Yasui, S Pergamon Press 1980
맨앞 이전 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 다음 맨뒤
