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1461 저널기사 An investigation of the electron irradiation of graphite in a helium atmosphere using a modified electron microscope 미리보기
Burden, A. P Pergamon Press 1997
1462 저널기사 An investigation of the M - A - M angle in compounds of general formula [ML~n](�A) 미리보기
Bottomley, F. Goh, S.-K. Pergamon Press 1993
1463 저널기사 An Investigation of the Solid-State Photochemistry of a-Mesitylacetophenone Derivatives: Asymmetric Induction Studies and Crystal Structure-Reactivity Relationships/ 미리보기
Cheung, Eugene Pergamon Press 2000
1464 저널기사 An investigation of tidal and nontidal current patterns in Western Hawk Channel, Florida Keys 미리보기
Pitts, P. A Pergamon Press 1980
1465 저널기사 An Investigation of Vapor-Grown Carbon Fiber Behavior Towards Air Oxidation 미리보기
Serp, P Pergamon Press 1997
1466 저널기사 An investigative study of kinetic resolutions by the Sharpless asymmetric dihydroxylation reaction/ 미리보기
Hamon, David P G Pergamon Press 2001
1467 저널기사 An in vivo tissue-model of mitotic cell death and EGFR-signaling/ 미리보기
Weidhaas, J. B Pergamon Press 2003
1468 저널기사 Anion-accelerated palladium-mediated intramolecular cyclizations: synthesis of benzofurans, indoles, and a benzopyran 미리보기
Hennings, D. D Pergamon Press 1980
1469 저널기사 Anion and cation recognition by new mono- and bisruthenium(II) bipyridylcrown ether receptor molecules 미리보기
Fletcher, N. C. Wear, T. J. Beer, P. D. Dent, S. W. Pergamon Press 1993
1470 저널기사 Anion-directed structural diversity in the complexes of Cd(II)-arylazoimidazole: synthesis, spectral characterization and crystal structure/ 미리보기
Chand, B. G Pergamon Press 2003
1471 저널기사 Anion-exchange enrichment of thallium and cadmium prior to their flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination in soils 미리보기
Ivanova, E Pergamon Press 1980
1472 저널기사 Anion-exchange preparation of a ^2^3^2U radiotracer for �particle liquid scintillation counting 미리보기
Ong, C. G Pergamon Press 1980
1473 저널기사 Anionic [3,3], [2,3] and [1,2] rearrangements of aliphatic and aromatic acyl hydrazines with n-n bond cleavage 미리보기
Endo, Y Pergamon Press 1980
1474 저널기사 Anionically induced domino reactions; synthesis of analogues of marine sesquiterpenes/ 미리보기
Gutke, Hans-J�rgen Pergamon Press 2001
1475 저널기사 Anionic ring expansion reactions of oxabicyclo(4.2.1)heptenones. An efficient entry into the carbon framework of oxygenated cembranoids/ 미리보기
Xu, Qing Pergamon Press 2001
1476 저널기사 Anion-induced structural diversity in 12-crown-4 complexes of transition metal salts/ 미리보기
Junk, Peter C Pergamon Press 2001
1477 저널기사 An ion probe study of annual cycles of Sr/Ca and other trace elements incorals 미리보기
Hart, S. R Pergamon Press 1980
1478 저널기사 Anion reaction of 1,3-benzoxathiole-3-oxide with several electrophilic compounds 미리보기
Cabiddu, Salvatore Pergamon Press 2001
1479 저널기사 Anion-templated synthesis and structural characterisation of Ni/Pd-containing metalla-macrocycles/ 미리보기
Doxiadi, E Pergamon Press 2003
1480 저널기사 An iridoid glucoside from Dipsacus asperoides 미리보기
Tomita, H Pergamon Press 1996
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