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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1501 저널기사 Annual cycle in abundance, distribution, and size in relation to hydrography of important copepod species in the western Arctic Ocean/ 미리보기
Ashjian, C. J Pergamon Press 2003
1502 저널기사 Annual cycles of nutrients and oxygen in the upper layers of the North Atlantic Ocean/ 미리보기
Louanchi, Ferial Pergamon Press 2001
1503 저널기사 Annual resolution analysis of a SW-France stalagmite by X-ray synchrotron microprobe analysis/ 미리보기
Kuczumow, A Pergamon Press 2003
1504 저널기사 Annual variability of phytoplankton and bacteria in the subtropical North Pacific Ocean at Station ALOHA during the 1991-1994 ENSO event 미리보기
Campbell, L Pergamon Press 1980
1505 저널기사 Annular synthetic jet used for impinging flow mass-transfer/ 미리보기
Travnicek, Z Pergamon Press 2003
1506 저널기사 Annulated Ring-Systems by Domino-Heck-Aldol-Condensation and Domino-Heck-Michael-Addition Processes 미리보기
Dyker, G Pergamon Press 1980
1507 저널기사 Annulation of heterocyclic rings on aromatic templates: the quinone monoketal route 미리보기
Ciufolini, M. A Pergamon Press 1980
1508 저널기사 Annulation selectivity in the coupling of Fischer carbene complexes with o-alkynylbiphenyl and o-alkynylstyrene derivatives/ 미리보기
Jackson, Thaddeus J Pergamon Press 2001
1509 저널기사 Annulus leakage and distribution of the fluid flow in a liquid spout-fluid bed with a draft tube/ 미리보기
il, A Pergamon Press 2033
1510 저널기사 an objective cracking criterion for the analysis of concrete dams 미리보기
Araujo, J. M Pergamon Press 1996
1511 저널기사 An ocean flux study in eutrophic, mesotrophic and oligotrophic situations: the EUMELI program 미리보기
Morel, A Pergamon Press 1980
1512 저널기사 Anode property of boron-doped graphite materials for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries/ 미리보기
Tanaka, Udai Pergamon Press 2001
1513 저널기사 Anodically Induced Cycloaddition of Vinylethylether to N-Cyanomethyl-Oxazolidine System. Stereoselective Synthesis of �Amino Ketal Compounds 미리보기
Martens, T Pergamon Press 1980
1514 저널기사 Anodic Amide Oxidation/Olefin Metathesis Strategies: Developing a Unified Approach to the Synthesis of Bicyclic Lactam Peptidomimetics/ 미리보기
Beal, Laura M Pergamon Press 2000
1515 저널기사 Anodic decarboxylative oxidation of carboxymethyluracil and -thymine isomers 미리보기
Kaminski, J Pergamon Press 1980
1516 저널기사 Anodic electrochemistry and the use of a 6-volt lantern battery: a simple method for attempting electrochemically based synthetic transformations 미리보기
Frey, D. A Pergamon Press 1980
1517 저널기사 Anodic fluorination of vinyl sulfides - synthesis of �fluoro-�thio-� �unsaturated carbonyl compounds 미리보기
Andres, D. F Pergamon Press 1980
1518 저널기사 Anodic Oxidation of Methylnaphthalenes and 9-Methylanthracene 미리보기
Barba, I Pergamon Press 1980
1519 저널기사 Anodic oxidation of monohalogenated phenols/ 미리보기
Mori, Kazuki Pergamon Press 2001
1520 저널기사 Anodic oxidations of electron-rich olefins: radical cation based approaches to the synthesis of bridged bicyclic ring skeletons/ 미리보기
Reddy, S Hari Krishna Pergamon Press 2001
맨앞 이전 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 다음 맨뒤
