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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1521 저널기사 Anodic performance and insertion mechanism of hard carbons prepared from synthetic isotropic pitches/ 미리보기
Mochida, Isao Pergamon Press 2001
1522 저널기사 Anodic performance of vapor-derived carbon filaments in lithium-ion secondary battery/ 미리보기
Lu, Weiming Pergamon Press 2001
1523 저널기사 Anodic stripping voltammetric determination of titanium(IV) using a carbon paste electrode modified with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide 미리보기
Stadlober, M Pergamon Press 1980
1524 저널기사 Anodic stripping voltammetry with carbon paste electrodes for rapid Ag(I) and Cu(II) determinations 미리보기
Labar, C Pergamon Press 1980
1525 저널기사 An olefination approach to the enantioselective syntheses of several styryllactones/ 미리보기
Harris, Joel M Pergamon Press 2001
1526 저널기사 An oligomer from flaxseed composed of secoisolariciresinoldiglucoside and 3-hydroxy-3-methyl glutaric acid residues/ 미리보기
Kamal-Eldin, Afaf Pergamon Press 2001
1527 저널기사 Anomalous cluster glass behavior in a quasi-one-dimensional organic-based magnet 미리보기
Etzkorn, S. J Pergamon Press 2003
1528 저널기사 Anomalous Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons Reactions on 3,4-Enuloses 미리보기
Moradei, O. M Pergamon Press 1980
1529 저널기사 Anomalously low alkenone temperatures caused by lateral particle and sediment transport in the Malvinas Current region, western Argentine Basin/ 미리보기
Benthien, Albert Pergamon Press 2000
1530 저널기사 Anomalously low sodium MORB magmas: Evidence for depleted MORB or analytical artifact? 미리보기
Nielsen, R. L Pergamon Press 1980
1531 저널기사 Anomalous magnetic behaviour of nitrosylbis(carbodithioato) iron(I) compounds 미리보기
Manhas, B. S. Kalia, S. B. Pergamon Press 1993
1532 저널기사 Anomalous magnetism in organic radical ferromagnets 4-arylmethyleneamino-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-1-yloxyl just above TC studied by the (micro)SR method/ 미리보기
Ohira, S Pergamon Press 2001
1533 저널기사 An on-line calorimetric study of the dismutation of superoxide anion catalyzed by SOD in batch reactors/ 미리보기
Liang, Yi Pergamon Press 2000
1534 저널기사 An optically active chromanone from Gynura formosana 미리보기
Jong, T.-T Pergamon Press 1997
1535 저널기사 An optimal finite element mesh for elastostatic structural analysis problems 미리보기
Jimack, P. K Pergamon Press 1997
1536 저널기사 An optimization procedure for truss structures with discrete design variables and dynamic constraints/ 미리보기
Tong, W H Pergamon Press 2001
1537 저널기사 An optimized Schwarz waveform relaxation method for the unsteady convection diffusion equation in two dimensions/ 미리보기
Martin, V Pergamon Press 2004
1538 저널기사 An Organizational Contingencies View of Accounting and Information Systems Implementation 미리보기
Ginzberg, M. J. Pergamon Press 1980
1539 저널기사 An Organizational Perspective on a Psycho-Technical Systems Perspective 미리보기
Hayes, D. C. Pergamon Press 1980
1540 저널기사 An Organosilicon Dendrimer Composed of 16 Thiophene Rings 미리보기
Nakayama, J Pergamon Press 1980
맨앞 이전 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 다음 맨뒤
