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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1541 저널기사 An original synthesis of trans-1,2-Diaminocyclobutane 미리보기
Vergne, F Pergamon Press 1980
1542 저널기사 Another Look at Corporate Social Responsibility and Reporting 미리보기
Teoh, H. Y.;Thong, G. Pergamon Press 1984
1543 저널기사 Another Look At Strategy-Structure Relationships: The Resource-based View 미리보기
Moingeon, B. PERGAMON PRESS 1998
1544 저널기사 An overview and generalization of implicit Navier-Stokes algorithms and approximate factorization/ 미리보기
Briley, W Roger Pergamon Press 2001
1545 저널기사 An overview of modeling studies in HDS, HDN and HDO catalysis 미리보기
Angelici, R. J. Pergamon Press 1993
1546 저널기사 An overview of the damage approach of durability modelling at elevated temperature/ 미리보기
Chaboche, J-L Pergamon Press 2001
1547 저널기사 An Overview of The International Development in Macro Social Indicators 미리보기
Glatzer, W. Pergamon Press 1981
1548 저널기사 An overview of the posters presented at Watermatex 2000. III: Model selection and calibration/optimal experimental design/ 미리보기
Nopens, I Pergamon Press 2001
1549 저널기사 An overview of the posters presented at Watermatex 2000. II. Sensor/monitoring, control and decision support systems/ 미리보기
Volcke, E I P Pergamon Press 2001
1550 저널기사 An overview of the posters presented at Watermatex 2000. I. New models/integrated urban wastewater systems/time series analysis/ 미리보기
Clercq, B De Pergamon Press 2001
1551 저널기사 An Oxazoline-mediated Synthesis of Formyl Epoxides 미리보기
Florio, S Pergamon Press 1980
1552 저널기사 Anoxic biological phosphorus removal in a full-scale UCT process 미리보기
Oestgaard, K Pergamon Press 1980
1553 저널기사 Anoxic N~2 fluxes from freshwater sediments in the absence of oxidized nitrogen compounds 미리보기
Van Luijn, F Pergamon Press 1980
1554 저널기사 An oxidative metabolite of perillaldehyde from perilla frutescens 미리보기
Tada, M Pergamon Press 1996
1555 저널기사 An oxidized tartaric acid residue as a new bridge potentially competing with acetaldehyde in flavan-3-ol condensation 미리보기
Fulcrand, H Pergamon Press 1997
1556 저널기사 An RTM densification method of manufacturing carbon-carbon composites using Primaset PT-30 resin/ 미리보기
Abali, F Pergamon Press 2003
1557 저널기사 Antarctic jaws: cephalopod prey of sharks in Kerguelen waters/ 미리보기
Cherel, Y Pergamon Press 2004
1558 저널기사 Antarctic neritic krill Euphausia crystallorophias: spatio-temporal distribution, growth and grazing rates 미리보기
Pakhomov, E. A Pergamon Press 1980
1559 저널기사 Ant colony search algorithms for optimal polygonal approximation of plane curves 미리보기
Yin, P.-Y Pergamon Press 2003
1560 저널기사 Antecedents of participative budgeting 미리보기
Shields, J. F Pergamon Press 1980
맨앞 이전 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 다음 맨뒤
