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1561 저널기사 Antecedents to management accounting change: a structural equation approach 미리보기
Baines, A Pergamon Press 2003
1562 저널기사 Anthocyanic vacuolar inclusions- their nature and significance in flower colouration/ 미리보기
Markham, Kenneth R Pergamon Press 2000
1563 저널기사 Anthocyanin-producing dandelion callus as a chalcone synthase source in recombinant polyketide reductase assay 미리보기
Akashi, T Pergamon Press 1997
1564 저널기사 Anthocyanins acylated with gallic acid from chenille plant, Acalypha hispida/ 미리보기
Reiersen, B Pergamon Press 2003
1565 저널기사 Anthocyanins from flowers of the orchids Dracula chimaera and D. cordobae/ 미리보기
Fossen, T Pergamon Press 2003
1566 저널기사 Anthocyanins from red flower tea (Benibana-cha), Camellia sinensis/ 미리보기
Terahara, Norihiko Pergamon Press 2001
1567 저널기사 Anthocyanins from the scarlet flowers of Anemone coronaria/ 미리보기
Toki, Kenjiro Pergamon Press 2001
1568 저널기사 Anthocyanins in callus induced from purple storage root of Ipomoea batatas L./ 미리보기
Terahara, Norihiko Pergamon Press 2000
1569 저널기사 Anthocyanins in Chilean species of Alstroemeria 미리보기
Noerbaek, R Pergamon Press 1996
1570 저널기사 Anthocyanins with 4prime-glucosidation from red onion, Allium cepa/ 미리보기
Fossen, T Pergamon Press 2003
1571 저널기사 Anthocyanins with an Unusual Acylation Pattern from Stem of Allium Victorialis 미리보기
Andersen, O. M Pergamon Press 1995
1572 저널기사 Anthracene derivatives from Auxemma oncocalyx/ 미리보기
Marques, Walleska B Pergamon Press 2000
1573 저널기사 Anthracenic and naphthalenic vic-diepoxides. A new kind of isomerizationgoing through fragmentation 미리보기
Rigaudy, J Pergamon Press 1980
1574 저널기사 Anthranilate synthase from Ailanthus altissima cell suspension cultures 미리보기
Romero, R. M Pergamon Press 1996
1575 저널기사 Anthraquinones from Morinda elliptica 미리보기
Ismail, N. H Pergamon Press 1997
1576 저널기사 Anthraquinones from the polar fractions of Galium sinaicum 미리보기
El-Gamal, A. A Pergamon Press 1996
1577 저널기사 Anthrasesamones from roots of Sesamum indicum/ 미리보기
Furumoto, T Pergamon Press 2003
1578 저널기사 Anthrone and oxanthrone C,O-diglycosides from Picramnia teapensis/ 미리보기
Rodr�uez-Gamboa, Tatiana Pergamon Press 2000
1579 저널기사 Anthrones from Aloe barbadensis 미리보기
Saleem, R Pergamon Press 1997
1580 저널기사 Anthrones from Aloe microstigma 미리보기
Dagne, E Pergamon Press 1997
맨앞 이전 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 다음 맨뒤
