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1701 저널기사 Application of 3-D finite element method using Lagrangian formulation to dilution control in laser cladding process/ 미리보기
Zhao, G Pergamon Press 2003
1702 저널기사 Application of a continuum constitutive model to metallic foam DEN-specimens in compression/ 미리보기
Onck, P R Pergamon Press 2001
1703 저널기사 Application of a damage mechanics model for predicting the impact response of composite materials/ 미리보기
Williams, Kevin V Pergamon Press 2001
1704 저널기사 Application of advanced analytical techniques to elucidate structural and chemical evolution of combustion-generated ash/ 미리보기
Ramesh, A Pergamon Press 2001
1705 저널기사 Application of a large area curvilinear model to the study of the wind-forced dynamics of flows through the North Channel of the Irish Sea/ 미리보기
Young, E F Pergamon Press 2001
1706 저널기사 Application of an artificial neural network (ANN) and piezoelectric chemical sensor array for identification of volatile organic compounds 미리보기
Barko, G Pergamon Press 1980
1707 저널기사 Application of an ETV-ICP system for the determination of elements in human hair 미리보기
Plantikow-Vossgaetter, F Pergamon Press 1980
1708 저널기사 Application of a new finite integral transform method to the wave model of conduction/ 미리보기
Duhamel, P Pergamon Press 2003
1709 저널기사 Application of a Normalization Method for Determining J-R Curves in Glassy Polymer PVC at Different Crosshead Speeds 미리보기
Che, M Pergamon Press 1980
1710 저널기사 Application of a radical catalysed isomerisation reaction to the synthesis of fused [1,2-a]indoles 미리보기
Caddick, S Pergamon Press 1980
1711 저널기사 Application of a range of turbulence energy models to the determination of M~4 tidal current profiles 미리보기
Xing, J Pergamon Press 1980
1712 저널기사 Application of a Ritter-type reaction to the synthesis of chiral indane-derived C~2-symmetric bis(oxazolines) 미리보기
Davies, I. W Pergamon Press 1980
1713 저널기사 Application of artificial neural networks for the optimum design of a laminated plate 미리보기
Jayatheertha, C Pergamon Press 1996
1714 저널기사 Application of artificial neural networks to the prediction of minor axis steel connections 미리보기
Anderson, D Pergamon Press 1997
1715 저널기사 Application of artificial neural network to control the coagulant dosing in water treatment plant/ 미리보기
Yu, R-F Pergamon Press 2000
1716 저널기사 Application of Aspergillus oryzae and Rhizopus oryzae for Cu(II) removal 미리보기
Huang, C Pergamon Press 1980
1717 저널기사 Application of a synchrotron microprobe to the analytical characterization of ion-implanted material 미리보기
Von Bohlen, A Pergamon Press 1980
1718 저널기사 Application of BEM to Solve Two-Dimensional Thermoelastic Contact Problems with Convection and Radiation Conditions 미리보기
Alonso, M. P Pergamon Press 1998
1719 저널기사 Application of biological processes for the removal of arsenic from groundwaters 미리보기
Katsoyiannis, I. A Pergamon Press 2004
1720 저널기사 Application of calorimetric measurements for biokinetic characterisation of nitrifying population in activated sludge/ 미리보기
Daverio, E Pergamon Press 2003
맨앞 이전 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 다음 맨뒤
