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1721 저널기사 Application of carbon nanotube supported nickel/aluminum mixed oxide in the synthesis of carbon nanotubes/ 미리보기
Li, C. H Pergamon Press 2003
1722 저널기사 Application of catalytic distillation for the aldol condensation of acetone: the effect of the mass transfer and kinetic rates on the yield and selectivity/ 미리보기
Huang, C Pergamon Press 2000
1723 저널기사 Application of chelate forming resin Amberlite XAD-2 o-vanillinthiosemicarbazone to the separation and preconcentration of copper(II), zinc(II) and lead(II) 미리보기
Jain, V. K Pergamon Press 1980
1724 저널기사 Application of chelation ion chromatography to the determination of lanthanides in agriculture 미리보기
Lu, H Pergamon Press 1980
1725 저널기사 Application of Chiral (E)-Crotylsilanes in Synthesis: The Asymmetric Synthesis of the C19-C34 Spiroketal Fragment of Rutamycin B. 미리보기
Jain, N. F Pergamon Press 1980
1726 저널기사 Application of Chiral (E)-Crotylsilanes in Synthesis: The Asymmetric Synthesis of the C1-C17 Polypropionate Fragment of Rutamycin B. 미리보기
Jain, N. F Pergamon Press 1980
1727 저널기사 Application of classifier systems in improving response surface based approximations for design optimization/ 미리보기
Lee, Jongsoo Pergamon Press 2001
1728 저널기사 Application of colloidal palladium modifier for the determination of As, Sb and Pb in a spiked sea water sample by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry/ 미리보기
Volynsky, Anatoly B Pergamon Press 2001
1729 저널기사 Application of coupled polynomial displacement fields to laminated beam elements 미리보기
Raveendranath, P Pergamon Press 2000
1730 저널기사 Application of decohesive model with mixed damage scale in fracture analysis of composite materials/ 미리보기
Chen, J Pergamon Press 2001
1731 저널기사 Application of diazodecomposition reactions in tandem with [2,3]-sigmatropic rearrangements to prepare substituted azabicyclic ring systems 미리보기
Chappie, T. A Pergamon Press 1980
1732 저널기사 Application of D,L-FDLA Derivatization to Determination of Absolute Configuration of Constituent Amino Acids in Peptide by Advanced Marfey's Method 미리보기
Harada, K.-I Pergamon Press 1980
1733 저널기사 Application of effective medium approximation for the determination of the permeability of condensable vapours through mesoporous media 미리보기
Kikkinides, E. S Pergamon Press 1980
1734 저널기사 Application of Ene-Like Reactions of Aldehydes with Vinyl Ethers: FacileAssembly of Benzazocenone Intermediates for Mitomycinoids 미리보기
Ciufolini, M. A Pergamon Press 1980
1735 저널기사 Application of experimental design methods to assess the effect of uncertain boundary conditions in inverse heat transfer problems 미리보기
Norris, P. M Pergamon Press 1980
1736 저널기사 Application of ferrous-hydrogen peroxide for the treatment of H-acid manufacturing process wastewater 미리보기
Zhu, W Pergamon Press 1980
1737 저널기사 Application of ferrous hydrogen peroxide for treatment of DSD-acid manufacturing process wastewater/ 미리보기
Zhu, Wanpeng Pergamon Press 2001
1738 저널기사 Application of fully automatic remeshing to complex metal-forming analyses 미리보기
Zhu, Y. Y Pergamon Press 1997
1739 저널기사 Application of Ga~3 and kinetin to improve corn and soybean seedling emergence at low temperature 미리보기
Wang, Q. X Pergamon Press 1980
1740 저널기사 Application of gas-inducing reactor to obtain high oxygen dissolution in aeration process/ 미리보기
Chen, J. H Pergamon Press 2003
맨앞 이전 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 다음 맨뒤
