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1741 저널기사 Application of gradients in the simulated moving bed process/ 미리보기
Antos, Dorota Pergamon Press 2001
1742 저널기사 Application of Grunwald-Winstein correlation analyses with YBnBr scales to the solvolysis of benzoyl bromides/ 미리보기
Liu, Kwang-Ting Pergamon Press 2001
1743 저널기사 Application of heterogeneous vacancy solution theory to characterization of microporous solids/ 미리보기
Ding, L P Pergamon Press 2001
1744 저널기사 Application of HPLC capacity coefficients to characterize the sorption of polycyclic aromatic compounds to humic acid 미리보기
Nielsen, T Pergamon Press 1980
1745 저널기사 Application of indane-derived C~2-symmetric bis(oxazolines) in two-pointbinding asymmetric Diels-Alder reactions 미리보기
Davies, I. W Pergamon Press 1980
1746 저널기사 Application of information theory to DNA-sequence analysis 미리보기
Roman-Roldan, R Pergamon Press 1980
1747 저널기사 Application of in situ adaptive tabulation to CFD simulation of nano-particle formation by reactive precipitation/ 미리보기
Wang, L Pergamon Press 2003
1748 저널기사 Application of internal standard for derivative-spectrophotometric determination of azinphos-methyl in commercial formulations 미리보기
Wrobel-Zasada, K Pergamon Press 1980
1749 저널기사 Application of Kihara potential model to real non-spherical fluids/ 미리보기
Chen, Guang-Jin Pergamon Press 2001
1750 저널기사 Application of Kinetic Theory Models in Spatiotemporal Flows for PolymerSolutions, Liquid Crystals and Polymer Melts Using the Connffessit Approach 미리보기
Hua, C. C Pergamon Press 1980
1751 저널기사 Application of large-area avalanche photodiodes to X-ray spectrometry of muonic atoms/ 미리보기
Fernandes, L. M Pergamon Press 2003
1752 저널기사 Application of linearised vapour liquid equilibrium equations 미리보기
Castillo, F. J. L Pergamon Press 1980
1753 저널기사 Application of Liquid Crystal Theory to the Estimation of Mesophase Pitch Phase-Transition Behavior 미리보기
Shishido, M Pergamon Press 1997
1754 저널기사 Application of mathematical tools to improve the design and operation of activated sludge plants. Case study: The new WWTP of Galindo-Bilbao Part II: Operational strategies and automatic controllers/ 미리보기
Galarza, A Pergamon Press 2001
1755 저널기사 Application of mathematical tools to improve the design and operation of activated sludge plants. Case study: The new WWTP of Galindo-Bilbao Part I: Optimum design/ 미리보기
Rivas, A Pergamon Press 2001
1756 저널기사 Application of microbial enumeration technique to evaluate the occurrence of natural bioremediation/ 미리보기
Kao, C M Pergamon Press 2001
1757 저널기사 Application of microemulsions in determination of chromium naphthenate in gasoline by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy 미리보기
Du, B Pergamon Press 1980
1758 저널기사 Application of microwave heating to the determination of free, combined and total sulphur in rubber 미리보기
Puacz, W Pergamon Press 1980
1759 저널기사 Application of model-free computation techniques and limiting conditionsfor azeotropy. An additional assessment of experimental data 미리보기
Wisniak, J Pergamon Press 1980
1760 저널기사 Application of molecular mechanics in the total stereochemical elucidation of spicigerolide, a cytotoxic 6-tetraacetyloxyheptenyl-5,6-dihydro-a-pyrone from Hyptis spicigera/ 미리보기
Pereda-Miranda, Rogelio Pergamon Press 2001
맨앞 이전 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 다음 맨뒤
