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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1801 저널기사 Application of the sodium dithionite oxidation to measure oxygen transfer parameters 미리보기
Camacho, F Pergamon Press 1980
1802 저널기사 Application of the sulfonamide functional group as an anchor for solid phase organic synthesis (SPOS) 미리보기
Beaver, K. A Pergamon Press 1980
1803 저널기사 Application of the Taylor differential transformation method to viscous damped vibration of hard and soft spring system 미리보기
Chen, C.-J Pergamon Press 1996
1804 저널기사 Application of the three-dimensional triangular-prism hpq adaptive finite element to plate and shell analysis 미리보기
Zboinski, G Pergamon Press 1997
1805 저널기사 Application of the Villari effect in a Fatigue examination of Nickel 미리보기
Kaleta, J Pergamon Press 1980
1806 저널기사 Application of total-reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and high-performance liquid chromatography for the chemical characterization of xylem saps of nickel contaminated cucumber plants/ 미리보기
Mihucz, Victor G Pergamon Press 2001
1807 저널기사 Application of Tri-n-butyltin Cuprate in Sugar Chemistry 미리보기
Jarosz, S Pergamon Press 1980
1808 저널기사 Application of ultra low pressure reverse osmosis (ULPRO) membrane to water and wastewater/ 미리보기
Ozaki, H Pergamon Press 2000
1809 저널기사 Application of vacuum ultraviolet laser-induced breakdown spectrometry for steel analysis - comparison with spark-optical emission spectrometry figures of merit/ 미리보기
Hemmerlin, M Pergamon Press 2001
1810 저널기사 Applications - Abatement of the major contaminants present In olive oil industry wastewaters by different oxidation methods: Ozone and/or UV radiation versus solar light/ 미리보기
Miranda, M A Pergamon Press 2001
1811 저널기사 Applications - Comparison of advanced oxidation processes in flow-through pilot plants (Part I)/ 미리보기
M�ller, J-P Pergamon Press 2001
1812 저널기사 Applications - Comparison of advanced oxidation processes in flow-through pilot plants (Part II)/ 미리보기
M�ller, J-P Pergamon Press 2001
1813 저널기사 Applications - Kinetics of decolorization and mineralization of the azo dye Reactive Black 5 by hydrogen peroxide and UV light/ 미리보기
El-Dein, A Mohey Pergamon Press 2001
1814 저널기사 Applications of a fixed point theorem in G-convex space/ 미리보기
Lin, Lai-Jiu Pergamon Press 2001
1815 저널기사 Applications of a modulated laser for FT Raman spectroscopy. Part 2. Signal-to-noise enhancement and removal of thermal backgrounds 미리보기
Bennett, R Pergamon Press 1980
1816 저널기사 Applications of Baylis-Hillman chemistry: enantioselective synthesis of (-)-methyl 3-aryl-2-methylene-3-(prop-2-yn-1-yloxy)propanoates via chiral leaving group strategy/ 미리보기
Basavaiah, Deevi Pergamon Press 2001
1817 저널기사 Applications of highly enantioenriched alcohols bearing a phenylthio group in the preparation of ring compounds. The two-pot synthesis of an enantiopure spiroacetal pheromone bearing three chiral centers 미리보기
Cohen, T Pergamon Press 1980
1818 저널기사 Applications of Morse theory to the solution of semilinear problems depending on C1 functionals/ 미리보기
Perera, Kanishka Pergamon Press 2001
1819 저널기사 Applications of pentafluorophenylester coupling in the synthesis of cyclodepsipeptides related to valinomycins 미리보기
Dory, Y. L Pergamon Press 1980
1820 저널기사 Applications of planar-chiral heterocycles in enantioselective catalysis: Cu(I)/bisazaferrocene-catalyzed asymmetric ring expansion of oxetanes to tetrahydrofurans/ 미리보기
Lo, Michael M-C Pergamon Press 2001
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