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1881 저널기사 Aqueous microorganisms inactivation by photocatalytic reaction/ 미리보기
Otaki, M Pergamon Press 2000
1882 저널기사 Aqueous solubility enhancement and desorption of hexachlorobenzene from soil using a plant-based surfactant 미리보기
Kommalapati, R. R Pergamon Press 1980
1883 저널기사 Aqueous speciation of sulfuric acid-cupric sulfate solutions/ 미리보기
Casas, J M Pergamon Press 2000
1884 저널기사 Arabian Sea phytoplankton during Southwest and Northeast Monsoons 1995: composition, size structure and biomass from individual cell properties measured by flow cytometry/ 미리보기
Shalapyonok, Alexi Shalapyonok, Ludmila S Olson, Robert J; Pergamon Press 2001
1885 저널기사 Arabidopsis, A Practical Approach - Edited by Z.A. Wilson, Practical Approach Series, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2000, 296 pp., ISBN 0-19-963564-1, (GBP)32.50/ 미리보기
L�ez-Juez, Enrique Pergamon Press 2001
1886 저널기사 Arabidopsis dihydropteroate synthase: general properties and inhibition by reaction product and sulfonamides 미리보기
Prabhu, V Pergamon Press 1997
1887 저널기사 Arabinose as a chiral auxiliary for the asymmetric �hydroxyallylation of aldehydes to syn-1,2-diols 미리보기
Chika, J.-I Pergamon Press 1980
1888 저널기사 Aragusterols E-H, New 26,27-Cyclosterols from the Okinawan Marine Spongeof the Genus Xestospongia and Absolute Configurations of Xestokerols A and B 미리보기
Miyaoka, H Pergamon Press 1980
1889 저널기사 Araliasaponins I-XI, triterpene saponins from the roots of Aralia decaisneana 미리보기
Miyase, T Pergamon Press 1996
1890 저널기사 Araliasaponins XII-XVIII, triterpene saponins from the roots of Aralia chinensis 미리보기
Miyase, T Pergamon Press 1996
1891 저널기사 Ar-Ar chronology of the Martian meteorite ALH84001: Evidence for the timing of the early bombardment of Mars 미리보기
Turner, G Pergamon Press 1980
1892 저널기사 Araticulin, a bis-tetrahydrofuran polyketide from annona crassiflora seeds 미리보기
Sastos, L. P Pergamon Press 1996
1893 저널기사 Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus-induced changes in the accumulation of secondary compounds in barley roots 미리보기
Peipp, H Pergamon Press 1997
1894 저널기사 Archaeal lipids in Mediterranean cold seeps: molecular proxies for anaerobic methane oxidation/ 미리보기
Pancost, R D Pergamon Press 2001
1895 저널기사 Ardisiaquinones from Ardisia teysmanniana/ 미리보기
Yang, Lay-Kien Pergamon Press 2001
1896 저널기사 Areal coverage of the ocean floor by the deep-sea elasipodid holothurianOneirophanta mutabilis: estimates using systematic, random and directional search strategy simulations 미리보기
Smith, A Pergamon Press 1980
1897 저널기사 Are all consents really informed?/ 미리보기
Carrie, Christian Pergamon Press 2001
1898 저널기사 Are barium sulphate kinetics sufficiently known for testing precipitation reactor models ? 미리보기
Aoun, M Pergamon Press 1980
1899 저널기사 Are Institutions or Economic Rents Responsible for Interindustry Wage Differentials? 미리보기
Morrison, A. R. PERGAMON PRESS 1994
1900 저널기사 Are Integrated Conservation-Development Projects (ICDPs) Sustainable? On the Conservation of Large Mammals in Sub-Saharan Africa 미리보기
Barrett, C. B. PERGAMON PRESS 1995
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