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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1901 저널기사 Are meiofauna transient or resident in sand filters of marine aquariums?/ 미리보기
Parent, Serge Pergamon Press 2001
1902 저널기사 Are metal ions accumulated by saxicolous lichens growing in a rural environment? 미리보기
Armstrong, R. A Pergamon Press 1980
1903 저널기사 Are multiple CT scans required for planning curative radiotherapy in lung tumors of the lower lobe?/ 미리보기
van Sornsen de Koste, J. R Pergamon Press 2003
1904 저널기사 Are National Stereotypes Discriminating? 미리보기
1905 저널기사 Arene-catalysed lithiation of triflates and triflamides under Barbier-type conditions: an indirect transformation of alcohols and amines into organolithium compounds 미리보기
Alonso, E Pergamon Press 1980
1906 저널기사 Are neck nodal volumes from CT slices consistent with those included in the standard 3-field technique?/ 미리보기
Sanguineti, G Pergamon Press 2003
1907 저널기사 (Arene)tricarbonylchromium complexes in radical reactions: samarium(II) iodide-mediated coupling of chromium-complexed benzaldehyde or acetophenone with methyl acrylate 미리보기
Taniguchi, N Pergamon Press 1980
1908 저널기사 Are quartz dissolution rates proportional to B.E.T. surface areas?/ 미리보기
Gautier, Jean-Marie Pergamon Press 2001
1909 저널기사 Are routine secondary pathology reviews still necessary in the management of ductal carcinoma in situ?/ 미리보기
Pignol, J Pergamon Press 2003
1910 저널기사 Are �Centered Peptide Radicals Stabilized by a Capto-Dative Effect? 미리보기
Brocks, J. J Pergamon Press 1980
1911 저널기사 Argon plasma coagulation for rectal bleeding after prostate brachytherapy/ 미리보기
Smith, Stephen Pergamon Press 2001
1912 저널기사 Argon release systematics of hypogene and supergene alunite based on progressive heating experiments from 100 to 1000� 미리보기
Itaya, T Pergamon Press 1980
1913 저널기사 "Armed-disarmed" glycosidation strategy based on glycosyl donors and acceptors carrying phosphoroamidate as a leaving group: a convergent synthesis of globotriaosylceramide 미리보기
Hashimoto, S Pergamon Press 1980
1914 저널기사 Arnoldi (IOM) - Newton algorithm for pathfollowing in nonlinear statics 미리보기
Bulenda, T Pergamon Press 1997
1915 저널기사 Aromatic 3-aza-Cope rearrangement over zeolites 미리보기
Sreekumar, R Pergamon Press 1980
1916 저널기사 Aromatic alkenylation using electrophilic organogallium reagent generated from allenylsilane and GaCl3/ 미리보기
Kido, Yoshiyuki Pergamon Press 2001
1917 저널기사 Aromatic and heteroaromatic annelation studies on 3-(bis(methylthio)methylene)-1-methyloxindole: synthesis of carbazoles and an efficient route to pyrido(2,3-b)indoles/ 미리보기
Suresh, J R Pergamon Press 2001
1918 저널기사 Aromatic annulation: two new methods for the synthesis of chiral bicyclic phenols 미리보기
Corey, E. J Pergamon Press 1980
1919 저널기사 Aromatic compound glucosides, alkyl glucoside and glucide from the fruit of anise/ 미리보기
Fujimatu, E Pergamon Press 2003
1920 저널기사 Aromatic congeners of bilirubin: synthesis, stereochemistry, glucuronidation and hepatic transport/ 미리보기
Brower, Justin O Pergamon Press 2001
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