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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1941 저널기사 Artwork 1 for 20/2 미리보기
unknown PERGAMON PRESS 2002
1942 저널기사 artwork 1 for volume 20/4 미리보기
unknown PERGAMON PRESS 2002
1943 저널기사 Artwork 2 for 20/2 미리보기
unknown PERGAMON PRESS 2002
1944 저널기사 artwork 2 for volume 20/4 미리보기
unknown PERGAMON PRESS 2002
1945 저널기사 Artwork 2 for volume 20 issue 1 미리보기
unknown PERGAMON PRESS 2002
1946 저널기사 Artwork 3 for volume 20/4 미리보기
unknown PERGAMON PRESS 2002
1947 저널기사 Arylalkylcarbenes from triplet arylalkyldiazoalkanes 미리보기
Motschiedler, K. R Pergamon Press 1980
1948 저널기사 Aryl and triterpenic glycosides from Margyricarpus setosus 미리보기
De Tommasi, N Pergamon Press 1996
1949 저널기사 Aryl-aryl cross coupling on a solid support using zinc organic reagents and palladium catalysis 미리보기
Marquais, S Pergamon Press 1980
1950 저널기사 Aryl H-Phosphonates. 7. Studies on the Formation of Phosphorus-Carbon Bond in the Reaction of Trityl and Benzyl Halides with Dialkyl and DiphenylH-Phosphonates 미리보기
Kers, A Pergamon Press 1980
1951 저널기사 Aryl H-phosphonates - IV. A new method for internucleotide bond formation based on transesterification of aryl nucleoside H-phosphonate diesters 미리보기
Cieslak, J Pergamon Press 1980
1952 저널기사 Aryliodonium derivatives of 2-amino-1,4-quinones : preparation and reactivity 미리보기
Papoutsis, I Pergamon Press 1980
1953 저널기사 Aspartate kinase in the maize mutants ASK1-LT19 and OPAQUE-2 미리보기
Brennecke, K Pergamon Press 1996
1954 저널기사 Aspartic acid racemization and amino acid composition of the organic endoskeleton of the deep-water colonial anemone Gerardia: Determination of longevity from kinetic experiments 미리보기
Goodfriend, G. A Pergamon Press 1980
1955 저널기사 Aspartic proteinase levels in seeds of different angiosperms 미리보기
Voigt, G Pergamon Press 1997
1956 저널기사 Aspects of Swedish morphology and semantics from the perspective of mono- and cross-language information retrieval/ 미리보기
Hedlund, Turid Pergamon Press 2001
1957 저널기사 Aspects of the Algar-Flynn-Oyamada (AFO) Reaction 미리보기
Bennett, M Pergamon Press 1980
1958 저널기사 Aspects of the behaviour of solutions of nonlinear Abel equations/ 미리보기
Arias, M. R Pergamon Press 2003
1959 저널기사 Aspects of the Chemistry of Dioxolanes: Synthesis of C-Nucleoside Analogues 미리보기
Mellor, B. J Pergamon Press 1980
1960 저널기사 Aspects of the dynamic behaviour of steel members/ 미리보기
Heywood, M D Pergamon Press 2001
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