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61 저널기사 Adsorption and desorption of selected VOCs in dust collected on air filters/ 미리보기
Hyttinen, Marko Pergamon 2001
62 저널기사 Advances in Synaptic Plasticity: A Compact Account of the New, the Important, and the Interesting - Edited by Michel Baudry, Joel L. Davis, and Richard F. Thompson. The MIT Press, 1999. 335 pp., 65.00, ISBN 0-262-02460-8/ 미리보기
Okatan, Murat Pergamon 2001
63 저널기사 Adventure Travel and Ecotourism in Asia 미리보기
Lew, A. A. PERGAMON 1996
64 저널기사 Aerial dispersal and survival of sewage-derived faecal coliforms in Antarctica/ 미리보기
Hughes, K. A Pergamon 2003
65 저널기사 Aerosol and trace gas measurements during the Mace Head experiment 미리보기
McGovern, F. M Pergamon 1996
66 저널기사 Aerosol Behaviour on the South African Highveld 미리보기
Scheifinger, H Pergamon 1997
67 저널기사 Aerosol-chamber study of the a-pinene/O3 reaction: influence of particle acidity on aerosol yields and products/ 미리보기
Iinuma, Y Pergamon 2004
68 저널기사 Aerosol characters from the desert region of Northwest China and the Yellow Sea in spring and summer: observations at Minqin, Qingdao, and Qianliyan in 1995-1996/ 미리보기
Zhang, J Pergamon 2001
69 저널기사 Aerosol chemical characteristics of a mega-city in Southeast Asia (Dhaka-Bangladesh)/ 미리보기
Salam, A Pergamon 2003
70 저널기사 Aerosol emission in a road tunnel 미리보기
Weingartner, E Pergamon 1997
71 저널기사 Aerosol light-scattering in The Netherlands 미리보기
Ten Brink, H. M Pergamon 1996
72 저널기사 Aerosol light scattering measurements as a function of relative humidity: a comparison between measurements made at three different sites/ 미리보기
Day, Derek E Pergamon 2001
73 저널기사 Aerosol maps from GOME data/ 미리보기
Guzzi, Rodolfo Pergamon 2001
74 저널기사 Aerosol radiative forcing for Asian continental outflow/ 미리보기
Kinne, S Pergamon 2001
75 저널기사 Aerosol size distribution and elemental composition in urban areas of northern China 미리보기
Ning, D.-T Pergamon 1996
76 저널기사 Affirmation of a Book Review 미리보기
Smith, S. L. J. PERGAMON 1994
77 저널기사 Ageing and public satisfaction with the health service: an analysis of recent trends/ 미리보기
Calnan, M Pergamon 2003
78 저널기사 Agency theory, performance evaluation, and the hypothetical construct of intrinsic motivation 미리보기
Kunz, A. H.; Pfaff, D. PERGAMON 2002
79 저널기사 Age-related Lifecycles 미리보기
Collins, D.; Tisdell, C. PERGAMON 2002
80 저널기사 AIDS Capitation - D.A Cherein and G.J. Huba (Eds); Hogath Press, Binghamton, NY, 1998, 115pp., price 34.95 (cloth)/ 미리보기
Beck, E J Pergamon 2001
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