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381 저널기사 Adhesion of in situ precipitated calcium carbonate in the presence and absence of magnetic field in quiescent conditions on different solid surfaces/ 미리보기
Chibowski, E Pergamon Press 2003
382 저널기사 Adjustment and Economic Performance Under a Fixed Exchange Rate: A Comparative Analysis of the CFA Zone 미리보기
Elbadawi, I. PERGAMON PRESS 1996
383 저널기사 Adjustment and Income Distribution in an Agricultural Economy: A General Equilibrium Analysis of Cameroon 미리보기
Benjamin, N. PERGAMON PRESS 1996
384 저널기사 Adjuvant and salvage radiotherapy after radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer/ 미리보기
Taylor, N Pergamon Press 2003
385 저널기사 Adjuvant external beam radiotherapy with concurrent chemotherapy following resection of primary gallbladder carcinoma: a 23-year experience/ 미리보기
Czito, B Pergamon Press 2003
386 저널기사 Adjuvant radiochemotherapy in the treatment of completely resected, locally advanced gastric cancer/ 미리보기
Baeza, Mario R Pergamon Press 2001
387 저널기사 Adjuvant radiotherapy and concomitant 5-fluorouracil by protracted venous infusion for resected pancreatic cancer/ 미리보기
Mehta, Vivek K Pergamon Press 2000
388 저널기사 Adjuvant radiotherapy for margin-positive high-grade soft tissue sarcoma of the extremity/ 미리보기
Alektiar, K M Pergamon Press 2000
389 저널기사 Adjuvant radiotherapy in stage I seminoma: is there a role for further reduction of treatment volume?/ 미리보기
Bruns, F Pergamon Press 2003
390 저널기사 Adjuvant therapy for pancreatic adenocarcinoma: what have we learned since 1985? 미리보기
Abrams, R. A Pergamon Press 2003
391 저널기사 Adjuvant versus neoadjuvant combined modality treatment for locally advanced rectal cancer: first results of the German rectal cancer study (CAO/ARO/AIO-94)/ 미리보기
Sauer, R Pergamon Press 2003
392 저널기사 Administering Contingent Valuation Surveys in Developing Countries 미리보기
Whittington, D. PERGAMON PRESS 1998
393 저널기사 Administrative Coordination, Allocation and Monitoring 미리보기
Chandler, A. D.;Daems, H.;Chandler Jr., A. D. Pergamon Press 1979
394 저널기사 Administrative Theory and Administrative Systems 미리보기
Young, D. W. Pergamon Press 1979
395 저널기사 Adociasulfate 10, A New Merohexaprenoid Sulfate from the Sponge Haliclona (aka Adocia) sp./ 미리보기
Blackburn, Christine L Pergamon Press 2000
396 저널기사 Adopting Corporate Environmental Management Systems 미리보기
Morrow, D.; Rondinelli, D. PERGAMON PRESS 2002
397 저널기사 Adsorbents for methane storage made by phosphoric acid activation of peach pits 미리보기
MacDonald, J. A. F Pergamon Press 1996
398 저널기사 Adsorption and cracking of N-alkanes over ZSM-5: negative activation energy of reaction 미리보기
Wei, J Pergamon Press 1980
399 저널기사 Adsorption and decomposition of water-dissolved ozone on high silica zeolites/ 미리보기
Fujita, H Pergamon Press 2004
400 저널기사 Adsorption and dissociation of Co-EDTA complexes in iron oxide-containing subsurface sands 미리보기
Zachara, J. M Pergamon Press 1980
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