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461 저널기사 Advanced micro-fin tubes for condensation 미리보기
Chamra, L. M Pergamon Press 1980
462 저널기사 Advanced micro-fin tubes for evaporation 미리보기
Chamra, L. M Pergamon Press 1980
463 저널기사 Advanced monitoring and control of anaerobic wastewater treatment plants: Diagnosis and supervision by a fuzzy-based expert system/ 미리보기
Punal, A Pergamon Press 2001
464 저널기사 Advanced monitoring and control of anaerobic wastewater treatment plants: Fault detection and isolation/ 미리보기
Steyer, J-Ph Pergamon Press 2001
465 저널기사 Advanced monitoring and control of anaerobic wastewater treatment plants: Software sensors and controllers for an anaerobic digester/ 미리보기
Bernard, O Pergamon Press 2001
466 저널기사 Advanced oxidant reactivity pertaining to granular activated carbon bedsfor air pollution control 미리보기
Dusenbury, J. S Pergamon Press 1996
467 저널기사 Advanced oxidation of the pharmaceutical drug diclofenac with UV/H2O2 and ozone/ 미리보기
Vogna, D Pergamon Press 2004
468 저널기사 Advanced treatment for water reuse - Chemical oxidation of organic matter in secondary-treated municipal wastewater by using methods involving ozone, ultraviolet radiation and TiO2 catalyst/ 미리보기
Tanaka, T Pergamon Press 2001
469 저널기사 Advanced treatment for water reuse - Improved O3/H2O2 oxidation process for wastewater reclamation/ 미리보기
Yang, M Pergamon Press 2001
470 저널기사 Advanced treatment for water reuse - Particle size analysis as a tool for performance measurements in high rate effluent filtration/ 미리보기
Graaf, J H J M van der Pergamon Press 2001
471 저널기사 Advanced treatment for water reuse - Removal of color substances using photocatalytic oxidation for membrane filtration processes/ 미리보기
Tay, J H Pergamon Press 2001
472 저널기사 Advanced treatment for water reuse - The effects of water reclamation technologies on biological stability of industrial water/ 미리보기
Ng, W J Pergamon Press 2001
473 저널기사 Advanced treatment for water reuse - The fitter system for tertiary treatment of sewage effluent by land application - Its performance in a subtropical environment/ 미리보기
Gardner, E A Pergamon Press 2001
474 저널기사 Advanced treatment for water reuse - Water quality transformations during soil aquifer treatment at the Mesa Northwest Water Reclamation Plant, USA/ 미리보기
Fox, P Pergamon Press 2001
475 저널기사 Advanced treatment of dyehouse effluents by Fe(II) and Mn(II)-catalyzed ozonation and the H2O2/O3 process/ 미리보기
Arslan, I Pergamon Press 2000
476 저널기사 Advanced water treatment as a tool in water scarcity management/ 미리보기
Harremoes, P Pergamon Press 2000
477 저널기사 Advanced water treatment with manganese oxide for the removal of 17a-ethynylestradiol (EE2)/ 미리보기
Rudder, J. d Pergamon Press 2004
478 저널기사 Advancements in cancer therapy with alpha-emitters: a review/ 미리보기
Imam, Seyed K Pergamon Press 2002
479 저널기사 Advances in flavonoid research since 1992/ 미리보기
Harborne, Jeffrey B Pergamon Press 2000
480 연속간행물 Advances in the biosciences 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출가능 열기
Rasp?, Gerhard Bernhard, S Pergamon Press; Vieweg 1969-
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