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501 저널기사 Aerodynamic study of a vane-cascade swirl generator/ 미리보기
Widmann, John F Pergamon Press 2000
502 저널기사 Aeroelastic analysis for flap of airfoil in transonic flow 미리보기
Yang, S Pergamon Press 1996
503 저널기사 Aeroelastic Analysis of Composite Rotor Blades in Hover 미리보기
Seong Min Jeon Pergamon Press 1998
504 저널기사 Aeruginosins 102-A and B, new thrombin inhibitors from the cyanobacterium Microcystis viridis (NIES-102) 미리보기
Matsuda, H Pergamon Press 1980
505 저널기사 Aferoside A, A Steroidal Saponin from Costus Afer 미리보기
Lin, R.-C Pergamon Press 1996
506 저널기사 Affinity coefficients of the Polanyi/Dubinin adsorption isotherm equations - A review with compilations and correlations/ 미리보기
Wood, G O Pergamon Press 2001
507 저널기사 African Traditional Medicine - H.D Neuwinger, Medpharm Scientific Publishers, Stuttgart, 589 pp.,+46 pp. supplement, hardcover. ISBN 3-88763-086-6. Price DM/sFr 198./ 미리보기
Wink, Michael Pergamon Press 2001
508 저널기사 After Success What Next? Success as a Barrier to Change 미리보기
Taucher, G. PERGAMON PRESS 1993
509 저널기사 Agardhipeptins A and B, two new cyclic hepta- and octapeptide, from the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria agardhii (NIES-204) 미리보기
Hee Jae Shin Pergamon Press 1980
510 저널기사 Agarose hydrogels as EPS models/ 미리보기
Strathmann, M Pergamon Press 2001
511 저널기사 Agency Theory 미리보기
Walker, M. Pergamon Press 1989
512 저널기사 Age of the eucrite "Caldera" from convergence of long-lived and short-lived chronometers 미리보기
Wadhwa, M Pergamon Press 1980
513 저널기사 Age-specific citation rates and the Egghe-Rao function/ 미리보기
Burrell, Q. L Pergamon Press 2003
514 저널기사 Age-test Markov chains for drug testing and detection 미리보기
Boyle, James P Pergamon Press 1996
515 저널기사 Agglomerated CNTs synthesized in a fluidized bed reactor: Agglomerate structure and formation mechanism/ 미리보기
Hao, Y Pergamon Press 2003
516 저널기사 Aggregation during precipitation from solution: an experimental investigation using Poiseuille flow/ 미리보기
Mumtaz, H S Pergamon Press 2000
517 저널기사 Aggregation during precipitation from solution. Kinetics for calcium oxalate monohydrate 미리보기
Bramley, A. S Pergamon Press 1980
518 저널기사 Aggregation kinetics of colloidal suspensions of engine soots. Influenceof polymeric lubricant additives 미리보기
Bezot, P Pergamon Press 1997
519 저널기사 Aggregation kinetics of small particles in agitated vessels 미리보기
Kusters, K. A Pergamon Press 1980
520 저널기사 Aggregation of perylene dyes in lipid vesicles: the effect of optically active substituents 미리보기
Karolin, J Pergamon Press 1980
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